Future of cryptocurrency !

Future of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security and operates independently of a central authority, such as a government or bank. It utilises blockchain technology to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. Its appeal lies in its decentralised nature, providing users with greater control over their finances and offering potential for anonymity.

The legal status of cryptocurrency varies from country to country. Some nations embrace it as a legitimate form of payment and investment, while others impose restrictions or outright bans due to concerns about fraud, money laundering, and its potential impact on traditional financial systems.

In India, the stance on cryptocurrency has been somewhat uncertain. While it’s not explicitly illegal, the government has expressed concerns and proposed regulations to monitor and control its use. Despite this, many Indians continue to invest in cryptocurrency, drawn by the promise of high returns and the opportunity to diversify their portfolios.

However, instances like the Gain Bitcoin Ponzi scheme, involving figures like Raj Kundra, businessman and actor Shilpa Shetty’s husband, have affected the reputation of cryptocurrency in India. According to the Enforcement Directorate (ED), Kundra allegedly received 285 Bitcoins from the mastermind of the scam, Amit Bhardwaj, with the intention of setting up a Bitcoin mining farm in Ukraine. Despite the deal not materialising, Kundra is alleged to still be in possession of these Bitcoins, valued at over Rs 150 crore.

As for the future of cryptocurrency, its trajectory remains uncertain. While some envision it becoming an integral part of the global financial system, others caution against its volatility and potential for misuse. The forms of cryptocurrency are diverse, with Bitcoin being the most well-known. Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and Cardano are among the other prominent examples, each with its own unique features and use cases. Companies like Tesla and Square have invested in Bitcoin, while traditional banks are exploring digital asset custody services. This institutional involvement signals a shifting attitude toward cryptocurrency as a legitimate asset class.

Despite the controversies surrounding cryptocurrency, its underlying blockchain technology holds significant promise for various industries beyond finance. Blockchain’s decentralised ledger system has applications in supply chain management, healthcare, voting systems, and more. These potential use cases underscore the growing interest in blockchain technology and its role in reshaping various sectors.

However, in cryptocurrency mining, challenges persist, particularly regarding scalability, energy consumption, and environmental concerns. It requires specialised hardware, such as ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) miners for Bitcoin and GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) miners for other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum. These mining rigs consume significant amounts of electricity due to the computational power required to solve the complex mathematical problems.

Whether cryptocurrency becomes a necessary part of our future remains to be seen, its impact on the global economy and society as a whole is undeniable.

At #IBS, #Blockchain is adequately covered in one of the core courses since 2021. #IBS believes in constant innovation and keeping pace with the world’s changing technologies so that our MBA and PGPM graduates are always industry ready.

The Inception of Case Writing Cell: A Unique approach

Different individuals have different ways of learning. Instead of simply memorizing, many students choose to understand concepts. They enjoy taking in lessons from examples. Therefore, using case studies in the classroom is a very effective technique.

Case studies make the students understand real-world issues that businesses are confronting and help in developing a problem-solving

mindset. This approach also helps in developing analytical and decision-making skills.

Many businesses, legal and medical schools employ this practice to ensure students fully comprehend concepts, although very few institutions use it exclusively as a teaching strategy.

ICFAI Business School uses the case study method as a critical part of

the teaching pedagogy. With the aid of this approach, students are made to make decisions and their analysis gains a  practical edge.

All the cases covered in the class are available on IBS’s website, www. ibscases.org. Access to this website is restricted to licensed users. These cases are used by professors to teach students concepts through real-time application. These case studies are also the foundation for students’ individual or group presentations in class. Students must analyze the problem the company/firm in the case study is facing and then propose solutions to it. Each student must present a problem-solving strategy and a suitable justification during a class discussion that resembles a debate. Because of this, the sessions are highly engaging and interactive.

Since every day presents a new challenge, business concerns also

change. As circumstances and challenges evolve, solutions to problems also change. Therefore, IBS Gurgaon has established a new cell in the college, “The Case Writing Cell” to develop and update the required skills for analytical thinking and problem-solving skills among students. Both teachers and students will contribute to the writing of new case studies. The active collaboration of the students with teachers is an innovative approach to student and institutional development. Prof. Jean Saldanha is the Coordinator and Dr. Vibha Arora & Prof. Rajesh Mishra are the Joint coordinators of the cell.

Together with IBS G students, they will explore the following areas or topics for writing case studies.

Human Resource: The success of business is driven by its people. In

order to convey to students, the necessity and significance of HR, cases will include a deep understanding of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Upskilling, New age training tools, Mapping competencies for business success, Change Management, Agile organizations, Landscape for hiring in light of The Great Resignation and Automation in HR.

Marketing: Innovation and marketing of products are the major two

tasks that a marketing manager has to perform. If his performance is

not able to yield profit to the company, then he will not be of value

to the organization. In order to ensure that a future marketing manager has all the necessary skills, the following factors will be considered while writing cases: Sustainability, ESG, Omni channel, Consumer experience, Artificial intelligence, Chatbots, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, and Service recovery.

Finance: A thorough understanding of all the fundamentals of

financial management is crucial since finance without strategy is just

numbers. The following subjects will be some areas covered in cases

prepared to help students gain a thorough understanding of all financial concepts: Capital Budgeting, Working Capital Management,

and Investment analysis.

Operations: Nothing can be accomplished if the work isn’t done. The

operations manager has a major role to play in the continuation of

work. As a result, the cases will be prepared with the following topics

included in order to build the skills: Operations Strategy, Inventory control, Quality management, and Supply chain management.

Strategy: Any work that is pursued without a strategy is futile.

Therefore, developing strategies for carrying out the assignment is

necessary. The following topics are being covered under cases in order to strengthen this skill: Business Strategy, Formation of startups, Platforms business, Business Model, and Adapting to Technology developments.

IT: Information technology and business are now closely intertwined.

Without mentioning the other, no one can effectively discuss the first. Therefore, the following topics will be discussed in instances to instruct students on the value and application of IT: Adoption of blockchain, Mobile fitness applications, and Recommender systems in social media marketing and promotion, and Fraud analysis using machine learning.

All the cases that are written, will first be introduced in class before being sent for publication, to ensure that they are adequately tested.

Students will give feedback on the case, outlining what they learned

from it, what was missing, and what else could be added.

Through this cell, students will get opportunities to explore the changing dynamics of the business environment, and the challenges

that industry faces as it encounters various problems. They will also get an opportunity to create forums for discussion and brainstorming.

For writing cases, both primary and secondary techniques will be employed. These techniques will give students real-world knowledge and experience about real-world enterprises’ difficulties to survive. The student will have a greater understanding of the present working circumstances in any business through frequent visits to the industry and interactions with employees, enhancing their employability skills.

                                                                             Name – Tanisha

                                                                   Enrolment no. – 22BSP1803

                                                                             Batch – 2022-2024

Success Myntra of Industries

Do you know that the rate of change in human living standards in the past 20 years was higher than in the last 100 years?

These innovations include major sectors like media, climate action, and healthcare.

Every industry has its own set of principles. Also, they are unique if we compare them with the other competitors.

Being a management student, we must understand the changing marketing scenarios and how industries adapt to them. Also, these changes help industries to fulfill the changing consumer demand or taste and preference with time.

ICFAI Business School always keeps itself ahead to meet the corporate demand. Accordingly, it organized multiple formal industrial visits to make students

aware of the actual working conditions of different industries.

I am fortunate enough to be a student of IBS Gurgaon, where I got the opportunity to visit a manufacturing plant and see how classroom concepts applied to the ground reality.

Now, before moving toward my key learnings from this industrial visit, let us focus on their unique elements based on the classroom principles such as:

  • Customer Lifetime Value

You must have heard about a story of a company owner who broke the first lot of refrigerators due to a minor defect. After that, they stopped production and re-engineered the whole manufacturing process. Which removed the flaws successfully and brought the customer lifetime value by setting an example wherein the firm will not compromise the quality of their products at any cost. Eventually, once a customer becomes a loyal


  • Research and Development

With the help of research and development, including surveys, product reengineering, and design updates, the industry learned that refrigerator users use the freeze section more frequently than the freezer section. Due to this, they needed to bend to access the freeze section and primarily, women’s waist was affected and causing pain.

So, companies launched the newly designed Bottom Mounted Refrigerator. It replaced the traditional refrigerator design and put a freezer at the bottom.

Also, research and development help them in technological advancements of their products such as the Magic Convertor Technology, Twin Inverter Technology, Auto Clean Modes, etc.

  • Brand Positioning

The market consists of different firms, classified by positionings such as Leader, Challenger, Follower, and Nicher. 

If a firm wants to lead the competitive market, it should either become a first mover or be able to distinguish itself from other market players. 

For Example:

  • Focusing on Electric Vehicle (EV) Segment  

Different firms started manufacturing Electric Vehicles and even delivered them as well as efficient, reliable, and satisfactory electric vehicles. 

Some firms known for appliances and other sectors took a step towards this EV segment, indicating that they are following the contemporary market demand to become a market leader.

  • Working for Drone Delivery: 

A few years back, the viability of drone delivery seemed to be difficult, but technology brought it to reality. Drone delivery enables the quick and convenient delivery of products to the customer.

Followers can become a leader by moving if they launch their drone delivery service ahead of others.

  • 5G Connect Internet of Things (IoT): 

Many market players launched the functional model of smart home appliances, such as the concept of a Smart Kitchen, Smart Bedroom, Smart Bathroom, etc. where you can control and regulate these products through supported devices such as smartphones.

IoT is familiar to the market but still needs many functional updates for smooth processing and adequate output.

  • Driverless cars:

Here the Market Players forecasted the future of technology where Automated and Driverless Cars, based on the facets of Artificial Intelligence such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning-Artificial Intelligence, will take over the traditional mechanisms. A firm will become a market leader if it delivers the final product and become the first mover with a viable final product. 

You can understand from the above that the market players are moving toward the future with the potential to become global leaders.

But do you know how they keep themselves updated with the concurrent demand?

Initially, the firms focus on mass production rather than demand. But nowadays, they take care of customer’s tastes and preferences. Which helps to bring customer satisfaction first and then profit. Also, it allows them to retain customers and attract new potential customers.

Now, my key learnings from this industrial visit are as follows:

  • Importance of Operations Management:

The industrial parks exist over a large area with limited manufacturing capacity. Through Operations management, the company uses multiple models to enhance the plant’s efficiency, productivity, reduce cycle time, and waste management.

Here, I have learned how industrial plants work on the Optimal Delivery Model, wherein the production of any specific product is based on the actual market demand.

  • Need for Supply Chain Management:

The industrial park manufactures the products in bulk and delivers these products across the nation. Complete supply chain management includes the product’s origin from the plant to the retail market or customer, called Supply Chain Management (SCM). 

I have learned that the firm should also focus on its supply chain and operational efficiency to reduce waste/ defects and manufacturing costs.

  • Essential Marketing Strategies:

Companies used to segment their customers and distinguish them from their competitors. And if their quality standards and manufacturing process are in sync with government standards (ISO certification) and after-sales support ( Ten years of warranty). In that case, the customer will accept them with more confidence, resulting in high customer satisfaction.

Here, I have learned the importance of marketing strategies and their synchronization with government terms and conditions.

ICFAI Business School has been known for its delivery of excellence since 1995. These visits enhanced management student’s knowledge about the actual market situation and helped them understand the managerial concepts and their practical implications.

Himanshu Gurjar


In 2022, ICFAI Business School completed its 25 years of glory and marked another achievement in management education. All the nine campuses celebrated the Silver Jubilee of ICFAI Business School with pride and respect, remembering the founder of ICFAI Business School, the Late Prof. N. J. Yasaswy.

Every occasion becomes an extraordinary one with the efforts and memories attached to it. Celebrating a span of 25 years in itself is a golden occasion. To commemorate the auspicious Silver Jubilee of ICFAI Group, IBS Gurgaon was pleased to conduct an enthralling Mini Marathon on January 6th, 2023.

The marathon was a torch relay to spread peace and prosperity.

The enthusiasm was not just shown by the students, but the same energy and zeal were also witnessed by the faculty members as well. Several faculty members participated in the marathon.

The Mini Marathon organized at the IBS Gurgaon campus was inaugurated by the Senior Director, Prof. S.C. Sharma.

Ready. Set. Go!

With the announcement of the Senior Director sir, the Mini Marathon was commenced by all the participants with great energy.

The euphoria of all the participants following their energized spirit marked a vigorous beginning of the Mini Marathon of  5 km., starting from the IBS Gurgaon campus, covering 5 different checkpoints in its route in approximately one and a half hours.

All the participants running in the Mini Marathon were provided with a mini refreshment kits.

The Marathon was divided into 5 checkpoints. These checkpoints were situated at every kilometer by the route map. These checkpoints consisted of students and faculty members to cheer the craze among the participants.

Marathon also unveiled the importance of the health benefits, which it  brings along. It includes physical benefits as well as mental health benefits.

It’s rightly said, ” Running for something bigger than you is a great way to stay motivated and dedicated, making your running and races even more meaningful.”

Marathon also proved to be a rejuvenating break for all the participants from their daily routine to opt for something different yet productive. It turned out to be an effective one ultimately energizing the participant’s soul for the next coming days.

Taking initiative and running for a cause helps in generating a positive attitude and also helps in inculcating positive energy and motivating oneself towards adopting healthy habits eventually creating a strong positive base.

Wondering for a wonder,

Astonishing wonder you are.

Looking for thunder,

Booming thunder you are.

This initiative taken by the institute to celebrate the occasion of the Silver Jubilee created a dynamic, sparkling, zestful, healthy and lively environment in the institute.

It also improves memory and ability to learn. It also boosts a person’s feeling of happiness and makes the mind feel better. Such outdoor activities also reduce anxiety and depression. These activities help to maintain a healthy relationship and let oneself spend quality time with himself/herself.

All the winners (both faculty and students) of the Mini Marathon were felicitated with a trophy and a certificate as a token of appreciation and taking an initiative for a good cause. Participants wholeheartedly participated in the event which was evident during the Mini Marathon.

Mini Marathon conducted by the Institutional Building Cell along with the Students Council of IBS Gurgaon. The smoothe conduct by the organisers derives applause. It was conducted smoothly. The organising committee did a commendable deed.

Keep yourself close to our blogs to get to know more about such content!

Ishita Jain

Batch 2022-24


One of the most important competencies for managers nowadays is networking. Organizations anticipate that employees will interact with and make contact with those they work with. This can include customers, sellers, business partners, and government representatives. Individuals in a person’s network frequently receive business possibilities. So, in a situation when someone is trying to create a business, networking becomes a crucial ability. Both parties benefit from the relationship, making it a trait that everyone should possess.

Two years of MBA/PGPM offer an opportunity to connect and interact with a variety of people like faculty members, seniors, fellow classmates, alumni, guest lecturers and various industry experts. Stepping into a completely new environment, adapting to the surroundings and making new connections can be an overwhelming experience. But if we face our fears and step out of our comfort zone, we will be amazed by the effect networking can have on our professional and personal lives.

Networking is the most valuable characteristic an MBA aspirant or student can possess, here’s why:

  • Networking contributes to your social well-being: You can make lifetime friends and improve your social well-being by networking. It can help you to gel with like-minded people. The relationships which start within the professional atmosphere can go a long way.
  • Networking leads to the exchange of ideas: You can keep trying new things and keep growing professionally by embracing new ideas. You may be motivated to apply new methods or abilities to your work by learning what others are doing at their organizations. Your innovative ideas can let you stand out and be successful in your current role whether you work for a small firm or a major organization. Talking about your business with new acquaintances offers a distinctive viewpoint. Additionally, it improves creativity and motivation. A useful benefit is having an industry mentor or link outside of your organization.
  • Networking helps you meet people at all professional levels: In some companies, getting in touch with the higher-ups can be challenging. Networking might help you meet more seasoned professionals in this situation. Your future development depends on having the chance to benefit from their experience and professional guidance. These contacts offer fresh possibilities for job advancement and mentoring. Because of this, networking is crucial. You gain the ability to share your talents as well. Finding a new mentor may result from professional networking with a coworker you appreciate. At business and networking events, all it takes is a brief cup of coffee or some light conversation. Knowing people at different professional levels can open up a larger range of work options for you.
  • Networking boosts your professional confidence: Professional networking is a confidence-building exercise, particularly for shy or introverted persons. Its avoidance is mostly due to this. However, you’ll realise that networking isn’t that strenuous once you start discussing your common interests with a new buddy. Even if you’re an introvert, networking gatherings are a terrific opportunity to exercise your confidence. Speak up and discuss issues of paramount importance. You can cultivate greater confidence in your professional abilities by building new partnerships. It may also give you more social networking self-assurance.
  • Following are a few steps to take care of while networking:
  • As already discussed, approaching people to create a business network is a vital advantage of networking. The truth is that you have to reach out. Start by improving your ties to people you already know. Staying in touch will be ensured through occasional casual mail, thoughtful messages, or phone calls.
  • Finding out the interests and opinions is the next stage. You must sincerely care about other people’s lives and stories.
  • You then discover how to listen. This signifies that you are kind by lending others the patient ears they require. This will make the bonds stronger. It will definitely be a game-changer for you. generous acts that are reciprocated without you even having to ask.
  • Test your groundwork, follow up and be in touch.

Shreya Sahni (Batch 2022-24)

My Seniors – My Mentors

Whenever you go to a new place, you are curious to know about that place. Similarly, when I received a letter from ICFAI Business School about the commencement of induction classes, I was excited about the campus, its culture, and the facilities it offers.

I still remember my first day on the college campus when I entered the premises and interacted with one of the finest people I have ever met. His name was Mr. Sonu Sharma, and he was one of the senior students on the campus, but he was so helpful to me. I asked him about the college environment, routines, schedules, rules, and regulations. Curiously I asked multiple questions, but he answered all the queries with a smile. Moreover, he suggested revising classroom concepts on the same day it was discussed by the faculty, as he did when he was a fresher.

My journey and our friendship started from that day till now, and I hope it will last long. After that, he introduced me to the other seniors, who were so kind as to tell me that I could ask them for any guidance Hassel freely at any point.

As per the schedule, we have Continuous Evaluations of each subject. These evaluations were a part of the pedagogy, and it would be compulsory for all students to appear for the same. After getting this, I was wondering about these evaluations, such as what will be the format, what kind of questions will be there, how to prepare and score well, etc.

Once again, I reached out to my seniors because they had already gone through this phase. And were the right person to resolve all my queries.

Therefore, I asked one of my seniors, Mr. Kavish Sekhri, to brief me about these evaluations, and he generously agreed for the same. At first, he told me to keep myself calm and start preparing from that day. He also shared the previous year’s Question Papers and the steps to write an effective answer, including current examples, diagrams, flow charts, graphs, etc. I followed him and fortunately scored well.

Later, the college announced an annual inter-college competition and being a sportsperson, I was super excited to be a part of it. I participated in multiple events such as Football, Chess, Kho-Kho, and Cricket.

Meanwhile, they also announced the Mid-Term Examinations 10 days after the competition. Again I was worried about my results and academic performance. I could not deliver my best on the ground due to my half-hearted presence. I realized that if it continues, I will perform poorly in Exams and competitions.

Eventually, I approached one of my seniors, Mr. Sanskar Singh Sisodiya. He blissfully told me never to try to sail in two boats simultaneously. Moreover, he said that you should focus on this two-day event and devote your time to your studies after its completion, as the gap between the competition and examination was ten days. So, start prioritizing things and give your best for better results. He also gave me quick tips on preparing well and told me the importance of class notes, syllabus, revision, and asking doubts. Gradually, these tips helped and yielded fruitful results in the form of A Grades in every subject.

Coming to the End Term Examinations, considered a crucial part of the semester, comprise 40% weightage.

Can you figure out my next step after knowing their relevance?

Yes, you are right! I reached out to my seniors and met Ms. Radhika Mehra, who got the first rank in his class. I asked for her guidance to excel in exams. She perseveringly told me about time management and how to manage it for different subjects. Moreover, she told me to jot down the essential points separately for daily revision, practice the numerical portion, refer to different author’s books, bring conceptual clarity, etc.

Here I want to quote a proverb that you are aware of i.e. “Practice makes a man perfect” and I started practicing these guiding elements. Eventually, I scored well in these exams with lots of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

The crucial moment came when the process started for the Summer Internship Programme (SIP). The administration addressed students with every minute detail, but I still consider my seniors as my mentors.

One of my friends told me about one of our seniors Ms. Sheetal Bisht. She was selected for SIP on her first attempt and received a letter of appreciation from the company guide later. So, I approached her and asked about the process, its fundamentals, and how to perform well. She diligently discussed all the key aspects of the process. She emphasized improving soft skills, preparing a working resume, following the SIP handbook word by word, keeping in touch with your faculty guide, finding out valuable project ideas along with effective project reports, etc.

The process started and the very first company shortlisted my resume. But unfortunately, I was not selected after the final interview. Then again, I met Ms. Bisht, and she told me to find my weak areas and do some research or homework about the company’s culture, market position, and achievements.

Fortunately, I got selected on my second attempt by adhering to her words.

Once again, my senior helped me choose electives for the final year. The electives were one of the significant decisions for any management student as they will decide their future career path.

Gradually, I met Ms. Pragya Jaiman. She was a phenomenal decision-maker and helped a lot regarding my electives. It was a tough call for me, but she made it easy, and after a lengthy discussion, I could figure out my electives. Today I am ready to take off and proudly say that my seniors were my mentors at every crucial stage of my journey at ICFAI Business School. I was lucky to have my seniors’ patronage and wish to work with them in the corporate world as well.

Himanshu Gurjar


“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.”

A quote by James Cash Penney beautifully defines that growth is a vast concept and it is attained by a lot of efforts and environmental push.

Keeping aside other factors for a while. At the age of 21, I can genuinely say that my time at IBS Gurgaon has been life-changing. I have learned a lot about myself and my goals, what I want my future to look like. If I was not here, I don’t think I would have been saying this.

To begin with, it was a completely alluring experience when I joined college as moving away from my hometown and shifting to a new city, which was already a big change I was experiencing and I know a lot of students experience the same.

Entering the real world seems challenging and difficult at first, but once I got into it, it was not as difficult as I had thought it would be. In fact, you will find yourself doing things independently sometimes, whether it is managing your daily chores or motivating yourself in the middle of the night to study.

I’ve always been an introvert while growing up. I have struggled a lot while socializing and fitting in. If I was put into a situation where I didn’t know how to do something or put myself into groups with people I am not familiar with, anxiety would overwhelm me and make me want to run away. It was so awkward for me that I would rarely talk to people at all, because I feared that I would say something really senseless. I was comfortable enough around my friends to be loud, but at school, I was typically seen as the quiet or shy kid.

College is where I opened up a bit more and started finding more things that I was interested in. For instance, my passion for writing. It was always convenient for me to write my emotions well. Happy, sad or angry, all of my emotions could be expressed in a better way when I would write about it. But I never knew I could use this as my talent.

Right after joining IBS Gurgaon, one of my professors suggested that I join a cell called Digital marketing cell. I had no clue about the cell but the process was to complete tasks and appear for an interview if I want to join as a content writer. It was a completely different experience for me as I had no prior experience of doing this work but to my surprise, I got a lot of motivation from my batch mates and professors, who pushed me to give my best. I successfully completed the procedure and got into the cell.

Today, I can proudly say it was the best decision of my life as I found a purpose, something I’m good at, a skill which is getting better day by day and a whole new awakening. All thanks to IBS Gurgaon as I never knew I can ever be a content writer as well. Not only have my writing skills got better but I have also evolved as a person. There are so many things that I learn on a daily basis. Handling tasks, covering events, managing a campaign, writing blogs, creating captions for posts, handling social media and so much more.

This was just one example of my journey here. I have a never-ending list of learnings and growth that my college is providing. IBS has challenged me in so many different areas, but it has also provided me the opportunity to grow as a person and learn who that person is. It has taught me much about what I value and who I want to be or aspire to. I have become a person who likes to get out, try new things, socialize with new people, but ultimately needs time to myself to recharge for the next new thing to try.

College experience surely differs from person to person but after joining IBS Gurgaon I realized higher education is not solely limited to your career and placements. It is much about growing personally and finding your hidden talents which ultimately help you grow as an individual and as a professional. There are days when you face a lot of hardships and then there are days when you are enjoying the reward of your hard work.

Today, I can say that since the time I entered this college,

I have grown as a person,

I feel independent,

I have gained confidence, my communication skills have got better,

I can solve unexpected problems,

I have attained work life balance and the list continues.

I am sure till the time I enter the corporate world I’ll be a more confident individual who feels ready to enter the corporate world and is never afraid of any challenges that come across.


BATCH 2022-2024

Effective Case Writing methodology

Cases typically highlight specific circumstances in which individuals have to deal with a certain situation that might involve a difficult or new situation and are forced to take action. This kind of learning encourages students to act as problem solvers and develop critical thinking. 

Occasionally, cases are created to serve as references for various aspects of the issue confronted. This kind of instance covers the problem, the selected solution, and its result. Situations of this kind are reviewed, and the students analyze how and why a solution given had or hadn’t worked. Through this students gain a stronger understanding of all the important elements of a certain problem.

Cases engage students to carry out the particular task while reflecting on their actions. In essence, cases give students chances to examine and address pertinent real-world practical issues. Case studies force students to test their knowledge rather than just remember. Therefore, situations are helpful in training that calls for higher-order thinking skills like interpretation and problem-solving. Students who actively participate in learning and problem-solving are better able to adapt what they have learned to circumstances where issues are comparable in the real world.

Activities in the writing process

Writing cases is difficult, but the lessons that can be learned from using them are often worthwhile. Writing cases can actually improve one’s research and teaching. The writing process comprises four major activities: planning, organizing, drafting, and revising.


Planning is the creation of a strategy that outlines the crucial steps and components of preparing a case. A case writer must perform the following steps:

(1) Determine the goal of the case writing assignment:

When writing, you should think about the lessons students are expected to acquire from the case as well as the context in which the case will be used in the class.

You must take into account the target audience, and  consider or make a list of the learning objectives you want students to achieve while and after working through the case. 

(2) Identifying the learners: 

Like any kind of writing, you should be aware of your audience if you want your readers to understand the concepts and information you are attempting to get through.

These cases are written with students in mind. So, the author should know how much subject knowledge students have? An effective case should capture students’ interest and encourage them to grasp the concepts and laws that have been or will be presented in greater depth. 

(3) Deciding what information should be put into the case: 

The availability of information immediately affects your choice of material and its caliber; thus, it is important to think about how to get information.

Every writing assignment calls for research. Once you have determined the case’s problems, you must start looking for items to make the case real and actual. You could get the case study information from your thoughts, from tales you have heard from friends or co-workers, or from books and articles. The information can also be acquired by conducting interviews with professionals on the subject matter you are working with or with employees of a particular organization whose work interests you and is relevant to your case problems.


Organizing is the arranging of thoughts to best serve the case’s objective. Instances should be provided in a narrative style since a story is believed to encourage the reader to actively engage with the facts. Additionally, cases tend to be problem-based in nature.

A narrative is typically organized chronologically, or in the order that events take place. You can arrange things in terms of importance, or you can start with the location and time, or the event itself. Beginning the action at its conclusion or somewhere in the middle and telling the story through a sequence of flashbacks can occasionally be more effective. No matter how you set out the case, the key is to maintain students’ interest and focus on the points you want to make. 


Putting your ideas and thoughts on paper is called 

drafting. Ideas are turned into real words and sentences through this process. A case writer should have ideas about what to write about in the case and how to communicate those thoughts after planning and organizing the case-related tasks. Additionally, before starting writing, all resources and data needed to build the case should be available. The case should draw students’ attention to the learning-related concerns you want them to investigate. The case is developed in such a way that the description will encourage students to investigate the learning concerns and include them in identifying and resolving issues.


Rereading, analysing, and revising help to make the written case stronger. You must read carefully and critically when rereading. You must be aware of what to look for while evaluating, which means you must recognize the key elements of the case and evaluate them by a predetermined set of standards or guidelines. It can occasionally be beneficial to have someone else review your case to provide an unbiased assessment.

Consider the following inquiries while you review, whether you are reviewing it yourself or having someone else do it:

1. Will the case produce the intended learning outcomes?

2. Are the problem issue(s) presented in the case related to the learning outcomes? 

3. Is the case sufficiently complete, complex, and focused? 

4. Does the case present a situation, problem, or issue? 

5. Does the case appear to be realistic? 

6. Are all the elements of a narrative style used in the case? 

7. Are the events and actions in the case sequenced in a logical order? 8. Are the events connected with appropriate transitional signals? 

9. Is the content in the case accurate, relevant, and appropriate in terms of subject matter? 

10. If there are external resources, are they appropriate?

Hope the above information helps you to write a case.

Tanisha Bansal

Batch 2022-24


BATCH 2022-2024

A business school is much different from a regular graduation college. The campus environment, classrooms and curriculum, everything is different. Here you will see students coming from different backgrounds. You can find a graduate student who is looking to start his career with assurance. On the other hand, you can also meet an experienced professional who is looking to make a career change or progression in his career whereas you can meet with an entrepreneur who wants to excel his business.

Everyone who attends business school has different dreams and strategies to enter the corporate world. Your success in the business school will depend not only on your academics but also on your people skills. This is a major difference that students face. Business/Human Management and Administration is all about managing people and resources. You have to have a strong ability to network and make the connections as it will help you grow faster.

Keeping aside growth and subjects, the teaching methods implemented in decent business schools are quite different too. A lot of emphasis is paid on case studies, projects and presentations. Eventually, working on the overall growth. A PGPM or MBA student needs to devote time in preparation for the class and not just in completing assignments.

But all these challenges are external. When you are studying in a B-school there are a lot of internal challenges as well. One of the most important challenges is to choose electives after the first year. Although if I talk about my college which is IBS Gurgaon, they help their students a lot by providing the right information about each domain, subjects in each course, career opportunities after each course and much more.

But at the end of the day an individual has to decide his or her path and finally make the best decisions. I have seen a lot of my friends struggling in this process. Mind boggling is because of the fear that what if they end up making a wrong choice. Considering the fact that your whole career depends on one single step it becomes all the more important to choose electives as per one’s interest.

Talking about myself, I always wanted to choose HR as I really want to work in a company’s human resources department that focuses on the hiring, training and growth of employees. Fortunately, my college gave me all the information about this domain and made me realize what I actually want in my career. Career development opportunities, job security, career flexibility, good salary and of course the job satisfaction is most important to me. Professors at my college who have specialized in this field shared all the details of the HR domain, which helped me in deciding the same.

If I have to give advice to my fellow mates or anyone who is dealing with this same confusion then I would say there needs to be a balance between what you like and what is useful. Some steps that could be taken are-

  • KNOW YOUR INTEREST- We all have certain goals and aspirations. Corporate world is a huge space for people where everyone is working on different aspects. So first you need to understand your interest and choose the area where you want to work and grow.
  • FOCUS ON YOUR INTERESTS – There are few areas which interest you and where you want to build your career. It is important to know the difference and decide where you want to build your career. For instance, I was always drawn towards marketing as well and scored decent marks but I never wanted to build my career there.
  • CONSULT A SPECIALIST OR ADVISOR- An academic advisor can help you figure out the best electives to take for your particular educational journey and career goals. For example, an advisor can identify a minor that may complement your career path and electives that can double as prerequisites for that minor.
  • EXPLORE JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN THAT AREA- In order to decide the electives better, explore different job opportunities in all the domains and then decide in which field you want to work.

College electives exemplify the ideal educational experience — you get to choose what you want to learn without restrictions. Sometimes it is difficult to choose the apt course but with right guidance and support one can take a right call and move forward in the desired field.


Business school is a university-level institution that provide students with a wealth of knowledge and skills to succeed in their chosen careers. While you’re studying for an MBA, the lessons you learn in business school apply to a wide range of industries and roles.

For many students, attending business school might be a life-changing experience. It offers the chance to develop personally and professionally and a broader awareness of the complexities of the commercial world. Here are a few of the most valuable lessons that you can acquire by going to business school.

Shikha Rani
Batch 2022-24

Extracting  Information from Financial Statements

Understanding how to read and comprehend financial accounts is another crucial skill taught in business schools. Making critical decisions about investments, finance, and operations requires financial statements, which shed light on a company’s financial health. Understanding and analyzing financial accounts is a skill that every business person needs and one that the students learn in the Business School in Accounting and Finance course.

Understanding Business Ethics

Business ethics is a topic that every business school covers. Business executives must act in the best interests of their stakeholders, clients, and clientele. Business ethics courses in business schools help students understand the value of ethical decisions and the repercussions of unethical conduct. Building recognition and trust in the corporate world depends upon it.


Another significant component of business schools is entrepreneurship. The process of establishing and managing new business enterprises is called entrepreneurship. Students who enroll in business schools can get the expertise, tools, and resources they need to begin their own companies. To launch a new firm, students learn about market research, financial management, and business strategy, offered by a business school.


The process of developing, delivering, trading, and communicating value propositions for customers, society, and the public, is called marketing. Any organization must have a marketing strategy, and business schools offer students a chance to study several marketing facets. The marketing courses provided by the business school educate students in the crucial business disciplines of market research, product creation, and advertising.

Operations Administration

The study of operations management is crucial in business school. Planning, coordinating, and regulating the resources required to produce goods and services is the process of operations management. Supply chain management, inventory management, and quality control are competencies crucial for success in any business and therefore students have to learn them in operations management courses in business schools.

Strategic thinking and Problem solving

The ability to think strategically and solve problems is one of the essential competencies that business schools emphasize. It entails comprehending the big picture, identifying relevant challenges and opportunities, and creating action plans to accomplish precise objectives. Any business professional needs to inculcate these talents because they help you solve complicated problems and make wise judgements.

Leadership and communication

Business schools also instruct students on methods to communicate effectively and act as leaders. Understanding various leadership philosophies, creating teams, and effectively interacting with different stakeholders are aspects of this. Any business professional needs these abilities because they enable you to influence and guide others and successfully convey information and ideas.

Networking Techniques

Any career requires networking, and the business school offers the ideal setting for expanding your network of business connections. Students can network with instructors, fellow students, and other experts. Students can interact and share ideas with people from all backgrounds and professions at the business school. Regarding professional chances and personal growth, this can be beneficial.

International Business

Studying international business in an MBA program can provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and navigate the complex global business environment. This can include topics such as international trade, cross-cultural management, global finance, and strategic planning for multinational corporations. An MBA program may also offer opportunities for internationalexperiences such as studying abroad or participating in global consulting projects. Ultimately, an MBA in international business can help prepare you for a variety of leadership roles in the global business world.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Business schools also instruct students on collaboration and working well in groups. Understanding various team dynamics, cultivating trust and communication, and accomplishing common objectives are part of this. Any business professional has to have these abilities because they help you collaborate well with others and get outcomes.

Global Perspective

Students get a global perspective on business from the business school. A basic understanding of various cultures, economies, and political systems of different countries and how they affect business is part of this. These abilities are crucial for any professional since they enable them to successfully navigate the global market and arrive at well-informed conclusions.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Flexibility and adaptability are other skills that students at business schools learn to use while coping with change. It entails being aware of various business models, remaining current with market developments, and having the flexibility to change course and adapt as necessary. These abilities enable you to negotiate the always-shifting business environment, making them crucial for any business professional.

Innovation and expertise

Business schools embrace technology in their courses, instructing students on how it affects business and how to use it to their benefit. In today’s competitive world, technology will be the most significant factor that will help a business cope with the changes.

Self-awareness and self-reflection

Last but not least, business schools instill in their students the value of self-awareness and self-reflection. It encompasses being aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses and having the capacity to reflect on one’s decisions and actions. These abilities are crucial for any business professional since they enable you to comprehend your motivations and self, behave wisely, and make better decisions.

These are the competencies that business schools help their students develop.

Every graduate joins a B-school with the excitement and joy of learning something additional to become corporate-ready. B-school helps its students by developing some extraordinary skills and getting self-aware of themselves. It also helps them in knowing how they are unique from their fellow mates and what value they have in them that provokes corporates to hire them. And with similar expectations, I enrolled in PGPM (Post Graduate Program in Management) at IBS Gurgaon.

This business school has offered us many skills, giving me the self-assurance and polished demeanor to compete anywhere and with anyone. It compelled me to learn everything that the modern world demands. Not only this, but this B-School is elevating us above those requirements by giving us all something extra.