What makes a company so exciting to work with ?

2015_6$largeimg30_Jun_2015_231559020 copyOne day, I asked my friend, who has been employed with an IT firm based out of Bangalore for the last five years that what is so good about his company? He answered that it is the food! I asked, “Did I hear you say food?” and he joyfully explained that his company has catering tie up with Taj hotels and they offer all three meals buffet at subsidized rates. Apparently, this wonderful company has a huge cafeteria with a lot of options in eatables. A full time catering staff to tend you your desired coffee and assorted salads and what not! I smirked and told my friend “that explains your overtly good health!”On my way back I thought to myself – what a way to motivate your employees. You serve their palate and they would spend the entire part of the day from breakfast to dinner – working for you!

But it also made me thinking that what really makes a company so great to work for? Why it is that people would die for a job at Google or Facebook? What constitutes the X-factor in an employer?

No company is perfect and will be able to offer you everything. But there is a specific index of satisfaction and feel good emotion while going to work which is driven by work culture, employer – employee trust, management’s credibility and due consideration of each other’s needs and goals.

Our workplace is like our second home; the place other than home where we spent most of the time. Good employers understand this emotion and therefore take care of you, your career growth and aspirations, your achievements, your personal situations. They have a way of winning hearts and you feel like giving your best. So there is a mutual affair that exists between you and your employer.

As simple as it sounds, you will still find lot of your friends dissatisfied with their jobs. No doubt, human resources today have advanced a lot. Companies take efforts to keep their people happy and satisfied. But their efforts do not always show the desired results.

So let’s face it, no company can ensure job satisfaction to 100% of its employees and there will always be things to crib about. Even the ones with the most satisfying careers look forward to the weekends.

Much have been researched, written and published about the employee happiness index across the world. Out of all the reasons given by different workforce, I shortlist the following, which according to me make a workplace really happening (I would be happy to spend my life working for such organization):

  • Communication: An office culture where people talk to each other, both professionally and personally with equal comfort is a winner. It gives you a sense of ease and prevents you from over stressing.
  • Transparency and independence: The management treats you like grown-ups, shares information with its employees, listens to them and considers them responsible and mature enough to manage their own time and work. This gives you ample space, a sense of freedom and pride. By working at such a place you end up feeling more responsible and complete.
  • Work-Life balance: It is super relaxing to have an employer who understands that their people have life outside work, which might sometime take over their time and attention. They respect and believe that offering some work-life balance will earn them commitment and loyalty from their employees.
  • Fair and impartial treatment: It is a real deal to work for a company that treats you fairly, compensates you justly and rewards you without any discrimination. It gives you an opportunity of self appraisal, lets you have an insight in your work, lets you see your areas of improvement and encourages you to overcome your weaknesses. Lay-offs are a last resort and benefits are well covering your needs. Yes, such place to work is a dream for most of us. It gives you a sense of security and you can proudly say…your job has got your back!
  • Work hard and play harder: They believe that fun, frolic, humor and relaxation are the allies of hard work. There is enough emphasis on extra-curricular activities and helping you explore your hobbies to keep you engaged. Every April fool’s Day, Googlers for instance are permitted to plan and implement some major gags and tricks to the world. Google is known to conduct activities, games, workshops etc to promote self learning, team building and other qualities while having fun at the same time.
  • Innovation: Twitter conducts its team meeting on the roof. Meeting rooms at Google Dublin resemble a pub. Reebok converted one of their warehouses into a CrossFit workout center exclusively for their employees. Participants collectively lost over 4000 pounds during 2011. These companies promote unique and out-of-the-box ways of engaging their employees and boost productivity. Having themed office days, team photos, exotic offsite visits; these and many other ways are there that can make you love your company.
  • You can stretch your brains and use your skills: It will be a dead place to work at where there are no challenges to overcome. After all, human beings are wired for that. We would love to have a job, where we figure things out, solve problems, make breakthroughs or create a difference. Nothing is more satisfying than claiming ownership of great achievement. Hence this is an exciting aspect.
  • Altruistic work culture: A place of work that promotes friendship among employees over competition. Everyone takes charge and is ready to help each other in times of crisis and crunch – big designation or small – all alike. Manager takes up the task of execution if needed. There is a common goal more important than a personal one. Now that’s where you will not get hypertension or stress induced diabetes, because you have people to look up to.

So here you go! A couple of markers to make you ponder over your happiness index in your current organization and more importantly think if anybody care about that happiness index of yours. Some of us do not have a choice and we have to stick to our occupation before we find that right place for us. But for those who have it, I would say, hang on to it. Because it is easy to desire but hard to find; simple to demand, but difficult to build – a company that makes it employees call it the most exciting place to work for!

Contributed By : Isha Jajodia, Class of 2010,IBS Gurgaon

What should I do after my graduation

After graduationA question which hampers sleep of most of you. It also hampered mine. It is better to get an answer for this then to ignore the question. The question may be difficult to answer but answer to the same can make your life and decide your fate. Usually it’s human tendency to run away from questions which bother them and doesn’t have a clear answer. This can lead to trouble. Its better you sleep over it and get a solution for the same so that you get a clear picture of where you are and where you want to head towards.

“It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.”

I will try to help you to get answer for the same. It is very important to know each and every career aspect in your field. Once you are aware about it you can evaluate the same. It is very important to know each and every possible career path in your stream as at times it happens that we are unaware about some of the possible courses and in future we regret of not selecting the same.

Courses after completing Bachelor’s –

Commerce graduate –                            

  • A. – Chartered Accountancy course helps you to become certified auditor. This course helps in preparing accounts for companies and authenticates the same.
  • S. – Company Secretary Course helps you to become high caliber professionals facilitating good Corporate Governance.
  • ICWA –ICWA helps you to develop among the students the necessary skills required to apply theoretical knowledge of cost and management accounting to practical situations in different professional fields.
  • B.A. – The core courses in an MBA program which cover various areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources and operations in a manner most relevant to management analysis and strategy

Science Graduate –

  • M- Pharm – This degree helps you to get specialized knowledge in Pharmacy. It gives you in-depth knowledge of drug and helps you in understanding its ingredients.
  • M-E. –Master of engineering helps you understand different engineering products and how to utilize them and make the best out of it.
  • D. – The post graduate degree courses offered in various medical subjects lead to the degree of MD, MS, DM or MCh. The surgical courses lead to the degree of MS or MCh whereas the courses related to medicine lead to the degree of MD or DM.

Importance of selecting a good career path:-

  • It decide you future success or failure.
  • Helps in developing skills for your successful career.
  • Prepare you to enter corporate world which is different from social world.
  • Makes you confident for your future course of action.
  • Helps creating passion for your profession.

Few Examples of successful people who selected the right course and attained zenith-

Warren Buffet {Berkshire Hathaway} –In 1947 Buffett entered the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He studied there for two years and joined the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. He then transferred to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln where at nineteen; he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in business administration. After being rejected by Harvard Business School, Buffett enrolled at Columbia Business School after learning that Benjamin Graham taught there. He earned a Master of Science in economics from Columbia in 1951. Buffett also attended the New York Institute of Finance.


“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

MukeshAmbani {Reliance Industries} –He received his BE degree in Chemical Engineering from the Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga.Mukesh later enrolled for an MBA at Stanford University but dropped out to help his father build Reliance, which at the time was still a small but fast growing enterprise.

““I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times.”- MukeshAmbani

Jeff Bezos {Amazon} – Bezos often displayed scientific interests and technological proficiency; he once rigged an electric alarm to keep his younger siblings out of his room. The family moved to Miami, Florida, where he attended Miami Palmetto Senior High School. While in high school, he attended the Student Science Training Program at the University of Florida, receiving a Silver Knight Award in 1982. He was high school valedictorianand was a National Merit Scholar. He attended Princeton University, intending to study physics, but soon returned to his love of computers and graduated summa cum laude, with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in electrical engineering and computer science. While at Princeton, he was elected to the honor societies Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi. He also served as the President of the Princeton chapter of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space.

“Life’s too short to hang out with people who aren’t resourceful.”

Being on flight with Chennai Super kings team players gives me a good opportunity to learn from few of them and share their experience with you as well. Here I would like to share experience of Performance analyst of CSK team. Lakshminarayan, is associated with CSK. He did his Bachelors of Mathematics from Jain school, Chennai. He wanted to do MBA from a top B-School but due to family circumstances he could do it, and ended up taking a job in Sports Mechanics India PVT LTD. He was very clear about his love for cricket and wanted to do something related to it. He worked hard and found out an answer that he is good in Analysis and he can relate technology to cricket. He started working on it and became part of the same. The best thing about him was he was clear on what he wanted to do and was passionate about it. This made him successful. He was associated with Indian under 19 world cup team 2008, which we won. He was also associated with CSK in two of the IPL victories.

The above examples show how the professional have selected right career path and have attained zenith in the same. Similarly if we choose right career path then we can also do good in our career and attain zenith in the same.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” (Thomas A. Edison)

Contributed By : Kandarp Gandhi, Class of 2014, IBS Mumbai

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Where have all the leaders gone?

Leaders‘Where have all the leaders gone’ is a book from Lee Iacocca. Mr.Iacocca was the president of Ford Motors, Chryslers Motors, and Senator. He has also founded Iacocca foundation for his philanthropy activities. His book is all about leadership lessons, philosophy of life, business lessons, winning strategies in a most narrative manner. In this book, Mr. Iacocca has boldly analysed leadership crisis in the USA and further talks about how and what mistakes USA made?

Though the book is America centric and is of 2007 time period but it isquite relevant today. It squarely addresses questions of today.The book tells us what the qualities of a fine leader are, be it in politics, business, philanthropy or any other field. I must tell, even if we imbibe some of these values, we can be good human beings, if not great leaders. Let’s see what these values are.

  1. The Test of a leader

In the very first chapter of the book, Iacocca has beautifully mentioned “Nine Cs of Leadership”. Iacocca figures out obvious qualities that every true leader should have. These are…

  1. Curiosity

A leader should have Curiosity. He has to listen to people outside ‘Yes Sir’ group in his inner circle. If he doesn’t steps outside his comfort zone to hear different ideas, to get a different perspective, then he never grows.

  1. Creative

A leader has to be creative and adaptive to changes happening around.Moreover, he should be thinking out of the box and finding innovative solutions for the problems.

  1. Communicate

He should talk clear and truth. Though, my personal view is that 100% honesty is not good for human beings but you cannot expect a dishonest leader. He should have ability to communicate his ideas, thoughts, vison to the mass and in a simplest manner.

  1. Character

Character is above all and it decides everything.Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.Sign of a true leader is that he never changes his originality or losses his morality evenat the top.

  1. Courage

A leader should have got tones of guts. He should be ready to fight against the entire world for the truth and things he believe in. However, courage is not always about fighting and talking tough, but as Iacocca says, ‘nowadays courage is a commitment to sit down at the negotiating table and talk’.

  1. Conviction

To be a leader, you should have fire in your belly. You really something to gets done and finish something. A true leader is a passionate for his work and hence his people also take him seriously.

  1. Charisma

As Iacocca says, a leader should have charisma. He should be able to inspire people. He should be able to make them follow with him.

  1. Competent

It is obvious that a leader should be competent. Moreover, it is important that he should have surrounding people who are equally competent.

  1. Common Sense

The last thing is of utmost importance. Iacocca says, you can’t be a leader if you don’t have common sense. 

  1. Qualities of a leader

  1. Ability to motivate people

A rare quality of a leader is that he can motivate people even when they are struggling. He does not jump on every mistake and rule by intimidation. He may express his anger but eventually he motivates people to give their best shots. He builds faith in them.

  1. Everyone’s involvement

Based on his experience, Iacocca shares that sometime we (leaders)fascinated by some individual and start thinking that the person is some kind of magician. In fact, the reality is that the quality of team will ultimately make or break success. It is never just one person. People who work together will win – period.


  1. Ability to priorities

The leader should be able to write down his top priorities on a single sheet of paper. If he can’t state a priority in 50 words or less, he is in trouble.

  1. Business lesson

A leader has to know who his true friends are, and it’s not always the ones who agree with everything or follow blindly. Further Iacocca shares an important business lessons for leaders thatif you are getting a single point of view from your team- (usually your point of view) – then you have got to worry. You can get your own point of view for free.

  1. Generous

A leader should be kind and generous. By quoting an example of Sandler O’Nil (one investing firm) of USA, Iacocca shares that how asurviving partner of this firm (Mr. James Dunne III) helped families of 64 employeeswho died in the 9/11 attack of the World Trade Center. He and his firm took care of their families, arranged full pensions, set up foundation for their children’s education etc. And it is absolutely true that ‘When true leadership is being practiced, it never fails to make the heart soar’.

  1. Does not play blame game

A true leader does not put blame on others for mistakes. He will come forward and take responsibility. At one places, Iacocca writes that everyone makes mistake. The trouble is that most people put blame to others. They will try to put the blame on their wife, mistress, kids, the dog, the weather – anything but themselves. So if you have made mistake, don’t put blame on others.

  1. Lesson for life

The book is all about leadership traits. One of the important traits is ability to rise after fall. It distinguishes winner from a looser. In life you will face different and difficult conditions. It requires immense courage and ability to deal with such changes and succeed.

As Iacocca says ‘Life is full of ups and downs. Business cycles go round and round. Events happen that rock your world: People in family die. You get divorce. You get fired. Your business goes under.

But before you deal with it, you have to see it and then accept it. Sometimes the hardest part is to acknowledge and then accepting that the way you have done business and or lived your life just won’t work anymore.” People, who accept this truth, can face the odds with open minds.

And succeed faster.


Sometimes after reading so much literature on leadership, we still wonder that what the basic job of a leader is.But after reading this book, I could find a reasonably goodanswer.

‘The job of a leader is to accomplish goals that advance the common good. Anyone can take up space. But Iacocca says the test of a leader is when he leaves office, we should be better off than when he started. It’s that simple.’

Contributed By : Janmang Mehta, Class of 2010, IBS Ahemdabad

Why is experience more important than money?

experience-than-moneyhumne baal dhoop me safed nae kiye hain!is the phrase, almost all of us have grown up hearing from our elders. It always emphasized the fact that having more experience gives you an edge over those who have seen less of the world.

No matter at what stage of your career you currently are, if you look back, you will find yourself knowing more than what you did a year back. You grow because you constantly learn, and not just within classrooms but also outside of it. Ideally, you are valued based on your experience more than your domain knowledge.

At the budding stages of our career, most of us are all the time more concerned about getting a higher paying job instead of a better one. We are worried that if we start at a low pay scale, we will stay stuck with lesser salary, since we will be appraised on that figure. The whole idea of competing in placements revolves around who got a higher package than whom. In the rat race we forget and ignore to foresee that one of us placed with a lower CTC might eventually end up higher in the career graph than the others.

I realized this through my professional experience that at the starting of your career and sometimes even later on, money comes down in the priority list. Yes, we all are willing to work hard and deserve to be compensated for it, but you cannot put a value to the experience that you gain, to the knowledge that you earn, to the professional growth and maturity that comes with being employed.

There might be people who might disagree with this thought of mine and would refuse to compromise compensation for a better profile of work. I remember a friend of mine though, who unfortunately did not land up with a campus placement at the end of her MBA. She joined a start-up that just had four people and was paid on commission basis. There was no fixed salary that the company could provide. It was a challenging profile and difficult market conditions. But she chose to stick to the company and she told me once that the day she landed the first client for the company was the day she realized her potential, her self-worth and the value of what she has learned in the past few months. She admitted to the fact that she couldn’t have gained that level of exposure, learned to be proactive and independent, had she been a part of the target driven marketing team in a big corporation. After a year, she landed up in a team leading position with a well-known media firm, a role which she would have taken two years extra to reach, if she was hired there at beginner level.

So what added value to the same profile with which she was not able to grab a campus placement? Was that just one year of experience? That experience made her emotionally more mature. She learned the ability to handle stress situations and the potential of working with limited resources.

It is important to understand, that when a firm picks a fresher right after his/her MBA, the only way they can assess your value is through your academic credentials. It is only after some time, when you prove your worth within that firm, that you can raise your market value and be at a better bargaining position in terms of compensation. But before that, you are expected to show a positive return on what a company is investing in you.

I have seen many people, including my friends and colleagues, complaining about how their pay scale is less as compared to the industry standards. But I have always felt that to work with the best, you have to be the best. Even with fairly advanced human resources these days, companies expect you to owe them more in return than what they are paying you.

Yes, getting fairly paid is your right. But before you start feeling disheartened with your annual CTC figures, try looking at the non-material benefits that your job is offering you. You might not be at a best place right now, but in the world of corporate culture, you should learn to bring out the best of your current situation.

When I started working, I was part of a back end research support within an off shore captive unit of a global management consulting firm. The unit was just five years old and my team had 19 people. The pay scale was not at par with what my counter parts were getting. But as the unit grew, I, being a part of the smaller team, got opportunities to make bigger contributions. Within a short span of less than two years, I got a chance to visit one of the company’s consulting offices based in London and gain exposure in different areas, including training, mentoring and recruiting. I then realized the fact that even though I was paid less, the experience that I got through the various opportunities benefitted me in many unknown ways.

Initially in your career, you are in a better position to take risks, explore the domain of your interest and seek expertise in that field. Even though, your functional experience may remain the same, it may vary from industry to industry and can make a significant impact on your career in the long term. Focusing on new opportunities to learn, gaining experience in different areas and doing the work you love is relatively more important than salary. It is rather crucial to define your career objectives in the first three years of your professional life and align with the right opportunities to grow. A few thousand rupees may not turn out to be a good trade-off for the potential of growth when just starting out.

There could be four possible situations while looking for a job:

  1. Good profile and good pay scale
  2. Good profile but poor pay scale
  3. Poor profile and good pay scale
  4. Poor profile and poor pay scale

Situation (a) is very difficult to find. (c) usually does not exist, though there could be a combination of high pay but strenuous working conditions. (b) and (d) will always be there. If you are not lucky enough to land up with situation (a), then you should try grabbing an opportunity with situation (b) or (c). You will gain experience with time, with good salary without good salary even without salary. But question is what you learn from your experience. It is instrumental to give quality time to your job.

There can never be enough in any job, as you will always keep looking for more. But if you like what you do, you can always find satisfaction in it. As our elders used to say, there is no limit to learning. The same goes for experience in professional world. The more, the better; and better the experience, higher is your value in terms of money. Do not walk away from opportunities for reasons involving money or pride without considering the long term doors that you might be closing. While you are young and learning, be active and take risks to reach your goals.

Contributed By : Isha Jajodia , Class of 2010,IBS Gurgaon

5 good reasons to enroll in Management Program

A management program is very well thought about decision these days. Especially for 2 reasons, the fee structure and the sudden influx of colleges, institutes offering MBA programs. All talk about distinctiveness, placements, corporate exposure etc as the reason to be a student’s preference for a management degree. Few of the colleges also allure students by the way of foreign exchange programs to become a choice but what most of them miss out on is to educate/inform the student – on why they should take the program.

The counseling usually covers selling/over-selling the college to the students without guiding them on why a certain management program is beneficial for them considering the personality traits, the professional skill-set, and the market condition and job opportunities it offers. This particular blog post is been thought of to help the students make the best choice in their careers and professional life.

The 5 most significant and good reasons to enroll in a Management Program are:

Overall Personality Advancement

2 years of an MBA Program helps a student gain overall career advancement. It not only helps one tread the career path in a knowledge driven way but also in terms of personal grooming, professional skill training, power networking etc

In any work profile, communication skills coupled with great listening and ability to work in teams with geographically & culturally different people is considered the biggest challenge for anyone to excel in work abilities. Business communication and the personal ability is given equal weight-age as to business decisions by the hiring experts and an MBA Program enables a candidate to gain that personality advancement in life which is there to stay forever.

Other than that, it enables the students to think logically and communicate sensibly. One will learn to read business statements and help you to analyze the business & market situations and empowers you to lead and react accordingly in the work environments.

Global Perspective

A management program certainly adds a Global Perspective to how a candidate understands, thinks, reacts to a business situation. The business world is forever changing and its dynamics are dependent on many factors which makes it difficult for anyone to translate and understand the situations. An MBA Program is well-rounded education degree which educates a candidate on general management and all the significant aspects of  business situations, also the pedagogy is such that – the entire learning experience is logic driven and hence adds to the global point of view.

A student learns the basics of a chosen stream in the under-graduate courses. Such courses are backed by basics and knowledge and the application of them is not understood in real world. The MBA Programs adds up the applicability to what a student learns in the under graduate programs. In order to work in a robust environment, a student needs to first understand and then think rationally, the mere knowledge of subject is sometimes not enough in those business environments and that is where the practical application and global preview of businesses come into picture which is only due to the global perspective, an MBA provides to a student.

Problem Solving and Decision Making

The education in MBA Program is imparted through a range of applied techniques like case studies, role plays, and business frameworks. They not only teach the business system but make the students learn though numerous opportunities of applying thoughts and practices.

IBS India follows the best of Case Studies enabled education system; their two dedicated bodies for Case Study Methodology are called as IBS Case Development Centre and IBS Center for Management Research. Here we believe that a case study format enforces the thinking ability of a student and also imparts the best lessons of decision making. It not only forces the students to wear the thinking caps and reach to business decision but also helps in team work & group dynamics. A management programs possibly works as the first school to impart the culture of synergy by working together and learning through the process.  The lessons taught for problem solving and decision making also covers the skills like assertiveness, negotiations etc and further touching the aspects of delegation and leadership.

Career Advantage

MBA offers career advantage in the best possible ways. Not only it starts with the grooming and fine-tuning the personality aspects of a student but it also helps in adding value through various other aspects of a business environment.

Power Networks is one of them. It is not necessary that only when a student lands a job, s/he gets into the power networks but MBA Program enables the same during education by means of management fest, annual events – like conclaves, conferences , job fairs provides the required industry interface and hence introduces the students to inner circle.

Summer Internships and Management Projects are other sources of offering career advantage to the MBA students. They enable early exposure and with the help of corporate guides they learn the basics of corporate culture. The placement culture in a management program also provides a lot of industry interface and therefore it adds to the career advantage. The expectations of the corporate world are well explained in the pre-placement talks. Some even arrange the mock interviews, the assignments and the written tests to give students a feel of corporate atmosphere and how they can further grow in the business environments.

Career Change & Future Avenues

MBA is just one program which offers a student with a variety to change careers and choose to switch streams in future. The program doesn’t limit the options for a candidate.  Many a times it is been observed that a student of arts in an under graduate programs – chooses a career in finance merely for the interest s/he develops in the MBA Program. You can see engineers taking up creative genre of careers and there are those who turn to hospitality as the career options.

Not only the career switches and changes, MBA also empower the students to take up entrepreneurial risks for they finish up confidant about the business practices and situations. They are equipped with the networking & people management skills which ease their quest to start on their own and test the market waters.

So, in a way we can say that MBA opens up the future avenues for the students, not only to choose what they to do in life but also the create forces to enable others make & earn a livelihood.

Contributed by : IBS India

A Day at IBS – Sneak Preview


“This is the beginning of a new day. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it. I want to gain, not lose; want good not evil; success not failure; in order that I shall not regret the price I paid for it”.

If you are an MBA aspirant often thinking on the same lines almost every morning about your day, then you must surely be wondering of how your day would be at a B-School. Let us take a sneak preview of a day at IBS, one of the prestigious B-Schools of the country.  Being an alumnus of IBS Hyderabad, I will take you through what was my typical day at the campus.

6:45 AM: “Good Morning”!!

I usually used to get up at 6:45 AM which was quite a task considering the time at which I went to bed each night.  You will find out the reason for the late nights as you go on reading this article.

7:00 AM: “Wake up and be awesome”!!

There is nothing better than early morning workouts.  There are many fitness regimes that one can follow at IBS, such as a morning walk, jogging round the vast campus, playing any kind of sport, swimming or working out in the gym. I personally preferred hitting the gym for about 45 minutes to an hour.

8:00 AM: “Breakfast time”!!

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”.  After a rigorous workout I used to go to the mess and enjoy a healthy breakfast. At IBS the menu keeps changing every day for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner and it is usually fixed as per the day of the week, so that one can enjoy a variety of food.

8:30 AM: “Get set go”!!

After a healthy breakfast I went back to the hostel to get ready for the classes. They used to start at 9.10 AM and 10.20 AM on alternate days from Monday to Friday, and end by 4:20 PM and 5:30 PM respectively.

9:10 AM: “Its study time”!!

Since it was the first classroom session of the day, everyone used to be fully charged including me and reached the classroom early to catch up with friends for sometime before the session began. The classroom session at IBS is a case study model. The case based teaching method is a unique way of learning things, by applying the theoretical concepts to various scenarios and business problems faced by giant corporations in reality.

To know more about IBS case studies use the following link


10:20 AM: “Reading Room”!!

Typically the duration of a classroom session spanned over 70 minutes which was followed by a 70 minutes break in between each session. This time was utilized by going to reading rooms.  In IBS small study groups are formed comprising of 4-5 students each to utilize the time between the sessions. All the students of the group gather in a special place meant for group study called the reading room.

11:30 AM: “Back to the class”!!

After the group study session, it used to be the time for the second classroom session of the day.

12:40 PM: “Lunch Hour”!!

By this time I used to get very hungry. Studying continuously is not an easy task after all. The next class was scheduled at 1.50 PM so we grabbed a quick bite and recharged ourselves for the rest of the day. The lunch usually was a quick one, as I usually needed sometime to go through the case for the next class once again.

1:50 PM: “Session after lunch”!!

I’m sure you might be wondering what it must be like to be in a classroom straight after lunch and  how can one possibly be awake in the class? But as I said, IBS has got a very interesting pedagogy “Case study Methodology”, and not the boring traditional lecture based teaching, hence students are always active irrespective of which hour of the day the session is conducted.

3:10 PM: “Phew…last classroom session of the day”!!

The session after lunch used to get over at 3:00 PM. We used to have a 10 minutes break before the next session, which used to begin at 3:10 PM and end at 4:20 PM.

4:20 PM: “Tea Time”!!

This was the time of the day when I used to feel very relaxed, as all the sessions were done for the day. It was the time to go to the mess, have tea along with freshly prepared snacks, and have fun with friends.

5:00 PM: “Power Nap”!!

I used to come back to my room in the hostel and take a nap for about an hour, begin the second half of the day feeling refreshed.

6:00 PM: “Splash in the pool”!!

I love swimming, and thanks to IBS I could swim daily. Its campus has a very well maintained Olympic sized swimming pool.

IBS has got excellent sports facilities, and hence one has many options in terms of which sport he/she would like to play. There is a separate block called as sports complex, where facilities for many indoor games like Badminton, Squash, Table Tennis, Chess, and Caroms etc. are available.  There are also separate fields and grounds for outdoor games like Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Basket Ball, Lawn Tennis etc.

To know more about the campus use the following link


7:00 PM: “Fun n Frolic”!!

After swimming for about an hour, I used to go to canteen with friends and have lots of fun there sitting at leisure having long conversations over juice or pastry or any delicacy for that matter.

8:00 PM: “Project meeting”!!

At IBS, projects are one important part of the academics. We used to have different project groups for different subjects, where each group comprised of 4-6 students; and have meetings at any place in the campus almost daily, based on the priority of the projects as per the submission deadlines.

8:30 PM: “Club meeting”!!

There are numerous clubs at IBS, which are very active and organize events. Clubs are a great way to pursue hobbies or take up activities of personal interest. Just to name a few, there are clubs for acting, movies, sports, adventures, photography, fitness, languages, social activities and entrepreneurship etc.

9:00 PM: “What’s on the menu?? Its dinner time”!!

After winding up all the meetings I used to go to the mess for the dinner along with my friends, and we all took a walk till the main gate after dinner to have ice cream.

10:00 PM: “Study Time”!!

After dinner I used to come back to the hostel and study. Sometimes I studied alone, other times with friends. The study involved preparing for the cases to be discussed the next day.

12:00 AM: “Birthday Celebrations”!!

At IBS there is a custom of celebrating birthday at 12:00 AM, where all the friends gather at a place in the campus to celebrate the birthday by cutting cake and giving birthday bumps to the lucky one.

12:30 AM: “Some more studies”!!

With so many projects, cases and tests going on it is very important to devote time to studies. I usually studied till 2:00 AM.

2:00 AM: “Time to sleep?? Not, yet”!!

Studying continuously is not an easy task after all. The study stretches were interrupted by some sandwiches and maggi, with lemon tea at the hostel canteen called Bingers, which stays open till 3:00AM.

2:30 AM: “Now you know”!!

Yes, finally it was time to sleep. Now you know, why getting up at 6:45 AM in the morning was quite a task!

This is how a typical day at IBS looks like, am sure you must be thinking that it’s very hectic and how is it possible to take time out for so many activities in a single day. But, believe me; one the most important things that you learn at IBS is “Time Management”.

Contributed By : Rohan Jain, Class of 2009-2011IBS Hyderabad

Linkedin Profile of Rohan Jain: http://in.linkedin.com/in/rohanjain88/

Being IBSian.

DSC_2128 copyTake a bow!! You proud IBSian…

You will hear these words more often than anyone else, because you are the future IBSian.

I can actually share with you as how much proud you will feel when you will pass out from the IBS.

Today IBS is not just a Business school, but it’s like a book that you will carry thru out your life…And like in a book there are many chapters, the IBS will taught you at the different stages of life.

In this article, I will share very minute and small things thru which you can easily become a core member of the IBS family and you will also learn as how the IBS family will help you in the future, if you are facing any kind of difficulties in your life…

First thing first, the Great IBS Alumni & its Vision :  To Enrich the lives of alumni by helping them establish life time relationships with not only their fellow alumni but with their alma mater. This involves encouraging meaningful involvement and leadership from all alumni to benefit the community as a whole.

The IBS Alumni Federation gives you access to a vast network of professionals and offers you endless opportunities to connect, build relationships, participate and continue to learn from the IBSAF community.

The IBS Alumni Federation is for all IBS alumni who seek personal, professional and intellectual opportunities, because your IBS advantage continues beyond graduation.

The IBS Alumni Federation is a membership organization comprising more than 35,000 alumni of IBS. Founded in 1997, the Federation has a diverse and rich history of bringing alumni together to support the Institute, its students and each other.

You can view and update your profile by visiting the IBS Alumni page.

You can search the Alumni directory and can find out all the relevant details about your Alumni’s…

Even you can search the Job Board by visiting the IBS Alumni page and search thru the latest thousands of jobs posted by the fellow IBSian.

IBS Unique way of Learning: Students at IBS have the advantage of developing a cross-functional knowledge base, with good synthesis of Indian and International perspectives.

Case based Learning: IBS always stress upon the Case based Learning, which is an important component of business education at IBS. Most of the courses are taught through real-life cases, designed to help bridge the gap between management theory and practice.

Business Modeling and Simulation: IBS includes business modeling and simulation games in its curriculum for the program, to give students an introduction to business decision making.

Strong Industry interface: IBS has a strong, active and growing interface with business and industry, with experts from a range of leading companies delivering regular guest lectures and serving as members of various advisory boards.

Student Life @ Campus : The student community at IBS is truly diverse; students come from different states, social and cultural backgrounds, and all walks of life. They become a part of the IBS community, and get an unparalleled exposure to different cultures, languages and ways of living.

Student Activities is at the core of the philosophy of management education, IBS Hyderabad believes in. Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are very much a part of the day to day life on campus.

IBS Students at the International Sports Map :  Students also participate successfully in national and international inter-business school competitions.

Two of our MBA students were among the six finalists at the Baylor – USASBE Student Case Writing Competition held in January 2015 at Tampa, Florida, USA, while a team of four MBA students were in the top six of the Baylor-USASBE Student Case Writing Competition held in January 2014 at Fort Worth, Texas, USA.

One of our MBA students represented India in the Global Youth Marketing Camp organized by Hyundai in Seoul, South Korea in February 2013. A team of two MBA students won the Second prize in the Baylor-USASBE Student Case Competition held in South Carolina, USA in January 2011.

Our students won the Global Social entrepreneurship Competition 2007 organized by University of Washington, USA, competing against students from business schools around the world.

Social Networking of IBSian : You can also get connected with the IBSians thru the different way of the social network sites…

LinkedIn : https://in.linkedin.com/in/archyd

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Connections.IBSH

Twitter : https://twitter.com/ibsindia1

You can easily remain connected thru the various social, networking and own IBS sites..These choices given by the IBS to all of its students so as to stay connected with their fellow colleagues  wherever they are…

Each of the IBSian is a special and unique student for the IBS Management and the methods provided above to remain connected are just a way of showing love and care to their students…

I have one live example to quote here as how much care IBS Management does for their students…When we finish our course in Jul’2005, all the students got placed, except for those who did not wish to sit for the placements, in the month of Jan-Mar’2005. There were a bunch of HR Students who got placed but was not happy with the existing employer as the set up for some of the companies were too small to accommodate these students and after a while these students got back to the IBS Management and requested for re-placements for them…as far as I think, these were the days of Jun’2005.

After hearing the story from the students, the management decided to re-start the placements for all those students and the Placement cell was asked to re-approach the companies for the placements…we were actually shocked to see the kind of help that was extended by the IBS management at that point of time to all those students who were not happy with their existing employers..

Eventually, the hard work of the Management paid off in just 2 months and all the students were got placed in some of the big companies and some students were even placed at the MNCs…one of my best friend was also in that group and today he is at Senior Position at Deloitte India and working for last 10 years now…

So as I mentioned earlier that IBS is not just a business school, it is like a book which will be with you forever for your life and each chapter of that book will give you strength and power to conquer the world!!

I am proud to be an IBSian!!

Contributed By : Himanshu Chaudhary, Class of 2003-05, IBS Hyderabad

B-Schools- A Credibility Check

24-feb4Ways and Means to Undergo the Credibility Check

Demand for quality and employable MBA pass-outs are increasing every year and this has given rise to considerable number of institutions offering MBAs with different value-propositions (dual degree programme, student exchange programme, etc) titled differently (MBA, PGDM, PGDBM, etc). Hence prospective students and professionals aspiring to take up MBA have a variety of options to choose from and they search for benchmarks and guidance across the web and offline to make their investment and time of study worthy enough. One of such valuable aid is the B-school rankings that are published every year by different credible media institutions as a research result of great minds. Even though such B-school rankings published aid the prospects a lot in deciding, the two things most of the prospects misses out while going through the rankings are,

a) Not knowing the factors and their corresponding weights for the selection and ranking of a particular B-school and

b) The distance between the two consecutive ranks eg: The scores earned by 7th ranking B-school and 8th ranking B-school may be 400/500 and 220/500 which actually makes a huge difference. We may think that won’t the institutions undertaking ranking process would have been wise enough to do it in the best possible way, but each and every research has its own drawback and as ranking system is easily understood by mass audience they are also left with no choice. Hence we as prospects also has the responsibility to go to the bottom of it and select the apt B-school to make our time and investment worthy.

              The two points mentioned above may look trivial for a prospect who seeks only for a good placement after MBA but it makes a lot difference for the prospects who dream to build something of their own or for those who are very much passionate about bringing a difference as a professional in their future job. Hence considering the media rankings alone is not the right way for selecting a B-school in addition to that we need a little tapping work to do.  But please note here we does not ask you to make a research but just recommend you to travel some extra mile by putting simplest and smallest efforts that can obtain quality and credible information which are easily available with a tap of your finger for…. somewhat a planned destiny!

All that you need to have to travel this extra mile are,

i)  A Smart Phone or a Computer connected with internet, your Linked In and Facebook IDs

ii)  Interested specializations (keep it as less as 3) in MBA (eg. Finance, Tourism, Human Resources, etc) even though you will specialize in 1 or 2 it is too early to say which are those before you take up the course, so have few specializations in your mind

iii) Have a list of B-schools that you wish to join

Once you have these then we are Good- To- Go! the down listed are the few credible ways that helps you in finding necessary information to zero-in an apt B-school.

Online- Socialize:

i) LinkedIn:

Connect to the Linked in page of B-schools you have shortlisted, it will offer you credible alumni connections who are professionals at different geographies and lines of business. Their details can be obtained by viewing their profiles in the view profile page.

ii) Facebook:

As every other place Facebook can help you wonderfully. Find the alumni page of the institutes you have shortlisted

           Once you do (i) and (ii), select few of the members in the page and send them a message about your willingness to join the B-school from where they passed-out and request them for some help in this regard. Many would surely reply and thereby you can ask them the below questions pertaining to,

  • Job opportunities
  • Career growth
  • Learning culture
  • Faculty standard
  • Business incubation/ Entrepreneurship cells, etc.

            These are the right people to consult about the afterlife of MBA and opinions about their B-Schools because they would be mature and neutral enough to comment/ guide as they have already crossed the path you dream to travel.

            With the above information we have the details about their post MBA status and their opinions about the B-school but the opinions are the result of the experience they had then, which may be not true now, so to understand the present scenario we go further.

iii) Find the B-school Facebook pages of the present batch and post your questions pertaining to,

  • On-campus placements
  • Learning culture
  • Faculty standard
  • Career opportunities & Average package or your field of your interest, etc

            One other advantage of querying the present batch is that you can get information relating to accommodation, food, etc that are in existence and ultimately there are high chances of you having couple of friends in the institution which you may finalize to join

iv) Join the official B-School Facebook page to get updated with the guest lectures, workshops, seminars, conferences, events, etc. and if a B-school regularly organizes such events then it’s a very happening place and it means that it provides you a quality platform to express, learn, perform and nurture different skills necessary


             Checking the websites of B-schools cannot be termed as the best way to know about the present as only few update it regularly but it is a good means to know the details of the recent past. Here the information like,

  1. Batch composition of students from different academic & professional backgrounds
  2. Faculty profiles (their Alma mater, academic, professional and research experiences) & information about their work type like Full Time/ Part Time/ Guest Lecture/ Visiting Professor
  3. Past and present researches undertaken, MOUs or Tie-ups with renowned research and educational institutions and its benefits for the students
  4. Library infrastructure comprising online and offline resources for study and other essential infrastructure
  5. Annual business conclaves, cultural events, seminars, etc. are invaluable and credible to consider

Offline- Communication Centers:

            Most B- Schools have their Marketing/ Sales/ Admission Offices across different cities, so your  nearest office address can be obtained from their websites, and you should visit them to know in detail about their offerings but never buy the generalized statements from them outright like, 100% placements, abroad opportunities, educational loan assistance, etc try asking them the details because there is no point in you getting placed in odd jobs just because the proper job roles were not offered for you in a B-school, so by offering some job to the students still a B-school can proclaim the statement ‘100% placement guaranteed’ hence beware.

              Kindly note that any information obtained from the above sources can be verified with the help of the B-school’s present batch Facebook page.

So my dear friends try to undergo the credibility check by,

  • Connecting to Linked In and Querying the Facebook Alumni page
  • Joining and Querying the Facebook page of B-schools’ present batch
  • Surf through the B-schools websites
  • Collect the details from the communication centers of the B-schools nearby
  • Any details obtained can be cross verified through the members of the B-schools’ present batch Facebook page

            Once again the above recommended ways and means does not generalizes or advocates that this is the right way of undergoing the credibility check, all it suggests is that this is one of the ways of undertaking it and it is sure to increase the accuracy of your decision making process. Hence travel this extra mile now so that there is no need for you to travel long miles for your apt career post-MBA.

Contributed By : L.Gowtham, Class of 2013, IBS Hyderabad

Club Culture at B Schools

Management EducationManagement Education is a western world concept and Indians borrowed it about three decades ago. It started with mere management of a company’s board and has developed into a science of numbers, people and psychology put together. Gradually, this knowledge trickled down from a company’s board to college classrooms.

This knowledge is imparted right from colleges to the post graduation level in some form or the other. Business schools have pioneered in promoting this education and Clubs have acted as a catalyst adding fuel to the learning with an element of fun.  Choosing a Business School is an important decision of one’s career that can be equated to choosing a life partner – the right ones creating heaven and other ensuring a hell. There is hardly anyone who thinks of clubs as an important parameter when choosing a B School. Aspiring students check out rankings in magazines or newspapers and get confused with the same.

 Secondly they would look at the highest placement packages and ponder over other less relevant information while choosing a B-school such as the ratio of students to professors. They tend to overlook important things like the network of Alumnus or Professors’ expertise on subjects. Clubs also form an important parameter which one should look for. Although enough information is unavailable on official websites, one could get more details through online public forums.

So what really are ‘Clubs’? A club is a group of students, sharing a common interest or passion, coming together to further hone their interests, learn something from one another and create something meaningful.  College’s faculty members act as guides and consultants, though the clubs are completely managed by the students. It encourages them to enjoy similar passions while setting conducive environment in forming strong bonds with their peers.

Clubs help in carving the niche interests in students. World’s best business schools encourage club culture. Some common clubs running across global campuses include those of Marketing, advertising, finance, entrepreneurship, alumni, sports and so on.

Kellogg School of Management which is considered as one of the top B schools is known for its student-led culture. It offers a variety of clubs for students to participate in, right from professional clubs where students build relationships with world-leading external companies with the likes of consulting or investment banking, media and entertainment, and marketing.  It has carved a niche for its own in the same.

Another talked-about business school for its clubs is Harvard Business School. This reputed University became the birth place of Facebook when a young boy decided to create a portal for students and clubs from the important business schools across America and connect them to create one of the most powerful club communities. Today Facebook is public and amongst the most renowned social networking sites. The school likes to add three to four clubs every year in its kitty and is believed to have more than 70 clubs running across the university. Some clubs are niche and very few B-schools offer clubs like “Bit Coin Club” that deals in digital currency, which many economists says will take over the plastic and paper currencies in near future. Another unique club is “Wine & Cuisine” Club to promote a sense of good living through the enjoyment of fine wine and cuisine for future managers.

Indian business schools are steadily catching up the westerners. Although general club formations are a normal practice, hardly any innovation comes out of the same. Unfortunately, clubs are considered just as the part of students’ extra-curriculum which diminishes its importance. Alumnus networking is absent except a few who make an effort to connect with their Alma mater. Additionally, clubs are strictly monitored with rigid rules which kill creativity and freedom of expression. It even puts a roadblock on any kind of innovation.

Management EducationEminent Indian B-Schools like IIMs has been successful in developing a sustainable and favourable environment for ideas to develop in any domain. They are encouraged and even funded to help them grow. Alumni play a big role in the development of these clubs. Some even go a step further to take sustainable ideas and provide a suitable business platform for them. IIM Ahmadabad has one of the best incubation for entrepreneurial ideas and has been in creating many success stories. IIM Calcutta has one of the powerful Finance clubs called “Fin Club” that creates a mark in its domain.

Most B-Schools are quite aloof with their engineering or commerce modules. The reasons range from low strength of the club or the lack of any noticeable impact. Western B Schools have common clubs across the University addressing all curriculum and education fields including the technical ones. Once these clubs gain traction, more students would sharing similar interests would want to join the club. Eventually such clubs become sustainable and provide invaluable lessons to its members.

Another B-School that has placed great emphasis on its club culture is IBS Hyderabad. The campus has more than 20+ innovative clubs each creating a niche of its own. They are managed and run entirely by senior students who then pass on the torch to their juniors once they graduate. Every weekend 3-4 clubs indulge themselves in creating activities for other students to participate in which would entertain them while imparting some learning at the same time. Apart from mainstream clubs like marketing, advertising, finance or economic clubs, an online Club called “Stu-Z” is a unique online portal that connects the students and brings campus news, entertainment quotients as well as educational information. Another unique club is the photography club which was started a few years ago by a single student who was passionate enough to make its presence felt all around the campus.

These clubs work as a small ecosystem of corporate where a definite hierarchy, whether flat or vertical, prevails. Every person has a role to play and run the show, creating events and marketing them so that sizable audience participate in it and make it a success. Being in these clubs teaches numerous lessons such as handling peer pressure, working in teams, respecting each other agreements and disagreements, putting forward ideas, handling criticism to implementing them and working passionately to make it a success.

Sooner or later all B schools will focus and encourage club-culture more and won’t regard them as mere extracurricular activities. Until then, every aspiring student should consider the club culture while applying to different universities.

Contributed By : Apurva Singhi, Class of 2009-11, IBS Hyderabad

Learning with Fun

MBA Graduates#Suggest what is trending. I have selected the title #FunWithLearning not because it is trending but I want it to trend. The only reason I want to make you aware about it is, you should know how important learning is and what difference it can make in your life. Few youngsters don’t bother to learn much, as they think life is for fun and we need to live life only with it. For them fun means partying all night, hang around with friend and lot more. Actually I am not against this thought process but along with fun, learning is also important.

Learning is the act of acquiring to know, or modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve gathering different types of information. Learning is not compulsory but it is contextual. It does not happen at once but, it builds upon and is shaped by previous knowledge.

There is a myth that we can only learn through books or school, actually there are many other mode by which we can learn.

Modes of learning –                  

Nature– We can learn many things from nature.

Discipline– We can learn discipline from SUN. Sun always rises and always set on time. The way SUN works on daily basis we can learn the timeliness and commitment from it.

“Let us lay in the sun and count every beautiful thing we can see.”

Helpful– Tree stands tall and bears all the heat and gives shadow to those whoever come beneath it. We can learn this quality in our personal life. The quality of being helpful to other will help us in future to build a good relation with people.

“I took a walk in trees and came out taller than them.”

Sports– We watch many sports and we are personally and emotionally attached with it. We can also learn few things from it.

“Winning isn’t everything- But want to win is.”

Team work– We can learn team work from almost all the sports, be it cricket, football, basketball. When players are in the field they leave their individuality behind and work as a team. They get together and play for their team.

Dedication – How all the players are dedicated towards their sports and give their best out in the field. We can learn the same in our studies and in our work. We also can dedicate our self to whatever activity we are doing.

Self-Motivated- Players don’t get motivated all the time. They are self-motivated as they know what they are doing? Why they are doing? And for whom they are doing? Similarly we also need to be self-motivated and know the above questions to succeed in life.

Attitude– Most of the players has one thing in common that is Attitude. Their attitude towards their play is very positive and they are also more confident when they are on field. Similarly we need to have positive attitude towards our Job. We should also learn confidence from them. We need to be very confident on ourselves. If we are confident we will be able to do our best.

Importance of learning:-

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skill through education and experience. Our ability to learn and our intellectual capacity are intangibles. However, these intangibles are your greatest assets because everything you do to reinvent and update your knowledge allows you to grow from where you are today to where you want to go. Learning is prerequisite to growth.

We live and work in a changing world. New laws are introduced that lead to the introduction of new policies. New ideas and approaches emerge. New problems arise and new solutions are sought. The world of work is therefore a constantly moving and evolving one. What this means, then, is that, if we are not constantly learning as we go about our day-to-day business, then each day we are getting further and further out of touch with the demands of the modern working world.

Learning is not just important to ensure that we keep up-to-date with developments in our particular field. It is also an important source of motivation, stimulation and job satisfaction. For example, somebody who works in a particular place for three years and during that time continues to learn, grow and develop is likely to experience far greater job satisfaction than someone who stays in the same post for three years, simply repeating the basic tasks in the same way without any growth or development over that time. Learning should therefore be seen as something positive and worthwhile in its own right, not just something that we have to do to meet other people’s expectations of us.

mba program“Ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have”

Learning is Self-Empowerment:

Receiving a good education helps empower you, thus making you strong enough to look after yourself in any given situation. It keeps you aware of your given surrounding as well as the rules and regulations of the society you’re living in. Education helps you understand yourself better; it helps you realize your potential and qualities as a human being. It helps you to tap into latent talent, so that you may be able to sharpen your skills.

Financial Stability and Dignity of Life:

Another importance of education is that it helps you gain sufficient academic qualification so that you are able to get suitable employment at a later stage. A decent employment would be combined with hard-earned remuneration or salary through which you can look after your personal expenses. While you earn for yourself, you gradually begin to realize the true worth of money and how hard it is to earn it. You realize the significance of saving for a rainy day and for unforeseeable contingencies. You feel empowered because there is a new sense of worth that develops within you, and you feel the need to be independent and free from any further financial support.

Growth in Personal Aspiration:

There also comes a phase when the amount you are earning presently will seem inadequate because your aspirations and expectations from yourself would have grown considerably. After this, you will want to change jobs so as to have a higher profile. However, here is when you need to be prepared. A promotion of this figure can occur in two given situations, which are, that either you have the necessary higher academic qualification or a college degree which allows you a safe passage, or that you have amassed enough practical experience which allows you to be a suitable candidate for the employment you seek.

An idle mind is devil workshop:

Education and studying regularly, gives people of all age groups something substantial and challenging to do. It helps them think and use their idle hours, doing something productive and worthwhile. Education need not be purely academic and may include reading for leisure or as a passion for literature, philosophy, art, politics, economics, or even scientific research. There is no limit, to all that you can teach yourself, only if you take the interest to learn and grow as an individual. However, those who treat knowledge as trash, eventually find themselves getting absorbed with thoughts of violence, and jealously against those who are better off than themselves. It is people such as these who turn towards drug addiction, unnecessary rebellion, crime, and plain inactivity. Such people lack the self-esteem, which a good education often provides to its followers.

From the above importance we understand how important learning is but it is more important to enjoy learning and this eventually comes through fun. If we enjoy and we learn then we will be able to implement what we have learn and use that learning into our day to day life.

“If you are not willing, to learn no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.”

Contributed By : Kandarp Gandhi, Class of 2014, IBS Mumbai