Advantages of Becoming a Cell Member in a B-school

Advantages of Becoming a Cell Member in a B-school

There is a strong connection between students and learning. Students have multiple sources and opportunities through which they can learn new things and accommodate them in their life. Students always need a better learning environment with adequate direction to achieve their goals. Learning is an extensive concept described by various scholars in their own ways.

“Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”  Abigail Adams

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”   Benjamin Franklin.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”  Mahatma Gandhi

The role of an educational institute in a student’s life is crucial. A student spends most of his time in these institutes. Parents also want to admit their wards in an exemplary institute. There are multiple institutes in India but few are rigorous towards students and ICFAI Business School is one of them. Since its establishment in 1995, it was proven to be one of the institutes where students can redeem learnings in various different aspects.

I joined IBS Gurgaon a few months ago and was looking for the avenues to enhance my personality. Meanwhile, this institute provides multiple possibilities to nurture myself through various cell events or activities such as extempore, group presentation, indoor and outdoor interclass competitions, etc. There are different cells to join and enrich yourself, Digital Marketing Cell is also one among these cells. It follows the footsteps of the formal corporate organisations where a well-defined structured & hierarchy under three domains that is digital marketing, video editing, and content development.

I was interested in video editing and also practicing it for the last two years. Therefore, I have applied to be a member of this cell as a video editor. After going through the formal selection process of three rounds, I hopefully waited for the results. As the results got announced, luckily, I found my name in the list and eventually, I became a member of the Digital Marketing Cell.

This cell works as a team with its own aims and objectives, under IBS Gurgaon. It follows organic means of doing any work under it. The moment I join it, I got the task assigned to me. It brings me a professional or the corporate touch as being a cell member.

Moreover, this cell offers one year paid internship program with certification to performing members in their respective domains. I am aware of the hierarchy, professionalism, culture, collaboration, and coordination within a company, but now I have experienced and learned about the same through this cell.

The cell covers every activity, event, and function, summed as co-curricular activities within the campus. I have to cover them and bring the precious moments to the forefront for the audience on social media. As a cell member, I capture the events and their activities which provide me with enormous exposure.

The precious moments captured from each activity are forwarded to the respective domain head to process further. After getting the work from the content team and the digital marketing team, the post is ready for final approval. After approval, it is ready to be posted on the official social media handles of IBS.

After posting, the team analyses at the insights of the post and review its performance on social media. Further, every domain will discuss the hurdles, issues, and plus points in the weekly meeting and try to find ways to perform better.

IBS offers to learn theoretically and practically through classrooms and through this cell. IBS follows the concept of the overall development of a student through these cells and the co-curricular activities. Also, this cell brings me the qualities of an institute ambassador by providing a connectivity link.

Overall, I can say that it is always a proud moment to become a student cum cell member at IBS. It puts me in a better learning mode where I am trying to gain the maximum knowledge and implement it in the future. ICFAI Business School provides an elevated runway for me. Now I need to grab the handles and reach at height.

Career Opportunities in Management Debojyoti Roy (22BSP2146)

Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet.” – Henry Mintzberg.

Management is the art of getting things done from people. People have adhered to management since the beginning of mankind. In the past, we have seen many great leaders emerging and knowing the key skills required for a person or individual to develop themselves. Socrates, around the year 400 BC, stated that management was a competency distinctly separate from possessing technical skills and knowledge. The relevance of management has accentuated with the increasing perplexities and uncertain environment. It has come to the forefront as a special discipline in education.

So, what is MBA? Master of Business Administration or in simple terms MBA is a degree offered by colleges around the world for a student who wants to pursue a career as a management leader in the future.  It is generally a 2-year degree offered by institutes and autonomous colleges. In India, according to the industry-specific needs and requirements, colleges are offering courses in management like Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) and Post Graduate Program in Management (PGPM). These courses or programs are more industry-specific and are for skill development required to work in a management sector.

Moreover, in reality, a student who has just been MBA/PGPM graduate and is looking for a career opportunity in Management, has the most rewarding aspect of pursuing a career in it. It is because they can acquire transferable skills that apply to all industrial sectors. Moreover, there are plenty of management specializations to choose from, including Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, Finance Management, IT Management, Retail Management, Business Management, Hotel Management, Management Consulting, and International Business Management, etc.

ICFAI Business School (IBS) has been teaching management studies by offering MBA and PGPM which has nurtured many profound management professionals who are now handling different sectors of industries around the globe. Along with curriculum, IBS focuses on the student’s development and personality improvement operation by equipping them with the soft skills as well, that the industries require.

IBS provides management opportunities in major domains like:

  • Marketing
  • Finance and
  • HR

Along with the major domains they also provide minor domains in Finance, Marketing, HR, and Analytics.

These subjects come in two parts:

  • Core Specialization
  • Dual Specialization

In Core Specialization, students are allowed to take only Marketing, Finance, and HR as core subjects i.e.,

  • Core Finance
  • Core Marketing
  • Core HR

However, in the Dual Specialization area, students are allowed to take various combinations of Major and Minor Subjects for example:

  • Finance (Major) and Marketing (Minor)
  • Marketing (Major) and Finance (Minor)
  • HR (Major) and Marketing (Minor)
  • Finance (Major) and Analytics (Minor)
  • Marketing (Major) and Analytics (Minor)

All the subjects and specializations offered by IBS are very helpful as the industry perspective is imperative nowadays.

Along with this, IBS has now started an Online MBA Program. Thus, along with the Post Graduate Program in Management which is a certification program, a student can have an Online MBA degree advantage along with their PGPM. The door of opportunities completely opens for any student towards the industries of the other part of the world as dual degrees are valued all over.

Management students are prepared to work in a variety of organizations and businesses. Graduates from the IBS have been successful in different organizations including, financial institutes, marketing industries, designing industries, gaming, tourism, and even in governmental agencies along with non-profit organizations too. There are several career options to choose from after the completion of PGPM or MBA.

Some notable managerial positions offered are:

  • Marketing Manager: Marketing Managers are the ones who play a very important role in creating brand awareness, promoting an organization or company’s products and services to the customers, and expanding the reachability of the branch.
  • Sales Manager: Sales Managers are responsible for the supervision of the sales made by the company and the sales team, creating and accomplishing the sales target set. They are the people who built good relationships with clients and business personnel.
  • Financial Manager: Finance or Financial Managers are responsible for all the finances and transactional activities that are happening in the company.
  • Project Manager: They are assigned to a particular project for a team or organization.
  • Human Resource Manager: Responsible for managing an organization’s human resources (the people of the organization).
  • Public Relations Manager: PR Managers are mainly responsible for building and maintaining the public image of a company or client.
  • Technical Manager: Technical Managers are the ones who are more than just handling management. They are profoundly skilled in the technical domain and know tools like Python, Power Bi, MySQL, Tableau, and most importantly, Excel.
  • Product Manager: They are responsible for managing and handling a particular product and maintaining a product team who is building that product.
  • Operation Manager: They are responsible for handling operations within the business of the company or organization.
  • Portfolio Manager: Portfolio Managers are the people who analyses and invest a client’s fund or wealth in the share market, and maintaining a day-to-day record of the portfolio of the client.

Also, other positions offered to an MBA/PGPM graduate are:

  • Consultant
  • Tax Analyst
  • Business Analyst
  • Management Consultant
  • Brand Analyst
  • Equity Research Analyst
  • Investment Banker
  • Wealth Management Analyst
  • Strategic Management Analyst
  • Financial Advisor

As we have seen a trend of rising entrepreneurs after the COVID outbreak, the Entrepreneurship Domain have also been explored. Many students who are now alumni of IBS have started afresh their minds in Start-Ups as a career and have turned out to be very much successful in running their businesses and companies.

Some honourable examples of the Alumni of IBS can be mentioned:

  • Mr. Ayush Bansal (Batch 2009-2011) from IBS Gurgaon, started his venture called “” which is one of India’s largest Ed-Tech ventures in career planning for high school and college students.
  • Mr. Tahmeed Ansari (Batch 2007-2009) from IBS Dehradun, is the co-founder of the start-up “The Pocket Tech”
  • Mr. Avdhesh Sharma (Batch 2005-2007) from IBS Hyderabad, is co-founder of the start-up named “TaxReco” which is based on the tax reconciliation of 26AS and Sales of various clients.
  • Mr. Sunny Ralli (Batch 2008- 2010) from IBS Gurgaon, started his own company “Praedico Global Research Pvt. Ltd.” which is India’s first finance neuron developer which uses their specially designed neural networks to accurately predict performances of stock markets around the world.
  • Mr. Akhil Gupta (Batch 2016- 2018) from IBS Gurgaon, started his own company in 2019 “Samagr Enterprises” which deals in the manufacturing of all kinds of wires and cables. The company is visible in the market through the brand name Durat Cab.

Thus, Management is not limited or constrained to any particular domain or field or company, or firm. It is everywhere. A simple idea, some amount of hard work, and a lot of dedication can put a person in achieving his or her goals and set great career growth in management.


In the contemporary world, teaching methodology has evolved from old-school teaching methods to digital teaching. The traditional method of teaching is more inclined towards the conventional way by merely using textbooks, further it evolved to a more modern way of teaching by focusing on practical learning. Management is a field that requires active application of theoretical concepts in real-life situations, so the finest business schools place great emphasis on practical learning, by using case studies. The case study teaching approach stimulates an in-depth and all-round understanding of a complex issue in its pragmatic form. The said case studies used in the business schools are a main course of action to develop analytical skills in addition to emphasizing observation and problem-solving skills. They guide the implementation of various management principles. The most noticeable results are achievable when concepts are blended with case study applications. While choosing ICFAI Business School for my post-graduation program, the case-study teaching methodology adopted by them was the dominating factor in my choice. In our prior academic qualifications, we as students have grasped theoretical knowledge through and through, it was time to finally apply that knowledge in real-life scenarios, hence I made that choice. IBS has a dedicated team of faculty members with vast industry experience who research and prepare industry-based case studies. These case studies strengthen the quality of their management education. Let us look at the reasons why case studies help in grasping concepts and contribute to the development of the students of ICFAI Business School.

1.   CONCEPT CLARITY: The case studies designed at IBS allow the students to validate things in the real world that have been taught in the classrooms. IBS is one of the top business schools in India with its case development centre named IBS Case Development Centre or IBSCDC. It has been accredited with compiling more than 5500 cases that are substantially used in the IBS curriculum.

2.   KNOW-HOW OF THE INDUSTRY: Furthermore, case studies help in familiarisation with how the industry actually works. The concepts covered in the case studies give a practical scenario where the theories, principles, and techniques can be applied. Unlike theoretical concepts, case studies are not hypothetical or imaginary.

3.   ANALYTICAL SKILLS: When MBA students are given a case study, they are expected to analyze it, and arrive at a conclusion. Persistent use of case studies in the curriculum helps the students in improving and even developing their analytical skills.

4.   DECISION MAKING: As a result of better analytical skills, making sound decisions is made quite easy with the use of case studies. One of the most prominent benefits of the case study teaching method is decision-making in our work lives, we will be able to relate to situations and make sound decisions when we enter the corporate world.

5.   PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS: In addition to analytical skills, problem-solving is another skill that B-school students can tick off of their checklist. The research findings show that case studies stimulate critical analysis resulting in an evaluation of the situations.

6.   FAIR EVALUATION: Case study analysis also provides the faculty members fair evaluation of the academic performance, as they can compare the understanding level of the students’ pre and post-application of case studies.

Hence, these case studies curated by the ICFAI Business School are used by elite business schools and prestigious consulting firms around the world. IBSCDC has been awarded in some of the most prestigious global case writing competitions such as the EFMD Case Writing Competition, Oikos Global Case Writing Competition, John Molson Case Writing Competition, Dark Side Case Writing Competition, Baylor-USASBE Student Case Research Competition, and EPARCC competition. Some of the cases have also regularly been figured in the list of The Case Centre’s bestsellers, while more than 100 case studies have been published in leading international textbooks and journals. Thus, joining IBS provides explicit growth opportunities for MBA students by experiencing a world-class curriculum full of exceptional case studies.

Shreya Sahni

Batch 2022-2024

Placement Preparations at IBS Gurgaon

The aim is to do your best in the field you choose and thrive to achieve your goals. The competition is continuously increasing second by second, so the question comes, how to gain a competitive edge over others? How to position ourselves better from the rest? It requires tremendous determination and self-work to chisel ourselves and be the very fine version of us to market ourselves. To achieve the goal, IBS comes with a guiding light to aid us all with the top-notch skills required to stand out in the ever-competitive era. A student’s transformational journey is like a magnificently blooming butterfly. Just as how a cocoon, at the initial stage before flying high in the sky, breaks its shell and enters into the world of abundant opportunities to prove itself. In the same way, we started our journey towards excellence by enrolling in one of the growing B-schools in India; ICFAI Business School. Then starts the transformative journey where we acquire qualities like no other and swim amongst thousands of fish in the sea! As freshers, IBS Gurgaon serves a plethora of opportunities to pave our desired path to success. Right from organizing in-house training to organizing sessions undertaken by industry experts, it strengthens our outlook towards the understanding of the fundamentals of business, management, entrepreneurship, and its functioning. The activities like logo games, design advertisements, etc organized for leisure turn out to be something that refreshes our basics and aids in keeping them on our tips. All the wide-ranging activities equip us in garnishing ourselves and being proficient in our business and management concepts. The cherry on the top is the training sessions and certification courses. The extent to which the support is rendered by IBS exceeds expectations and goes all in to provide us with the best of training be it – Psychometric, Excel, or Aptitude. 

  • Psychometric training sessions help us to get acquainted with the personalities and resonate with the job profile. 
  • Speaking of excel training sessions, these aim to deliver all the prominent functions and formulas used in the corporate world. 
  • The aptitude session covers all the requirements that the subject demands. Furthermore, the sessions provide practice questions to help us. 

Verse us with the latest industry demand and nourishing us with the same, have been the key highlights of our campus. This is where the caterpillar, who was naïve initially, gains all the required attributes to excel in the corporate dynamics. To enhance our skills, we are further introduced to certification courses across all domains of management to get enlightened with the core understanding of the chosen specialization from first-hand examples and solutions. Choosing marketing and analytics as specializations, I have gained an abundance of knowledge in branding and python and reinforced it by practicing. 

Nothing comes easy, just as the caterpillar in its slowly growing stage equips itself with new beneficiaries (acquiring new skills, and knowledge) and develops wings (Certifications, training sessions) is ready to fly far above the ground whilst having deep confidence in its potential, a student resonates with the similar growth. All that has been imbibed within us doesn’t come without giving proper thought to it. The placement team at IBS Gurgaon prepares an exquisite formulation of training and certification, which are driven through the hard work and expertise of notable faculties and pushes each one of us to gain the best of our knowledge and put it all into action. It is their constant efforts that make our transformational journey so smooth and flawless.

IBS is the place to get yourself challenged, grow and fail, all at once. Its by-products though are extremely surprising and uplifting. We are enlightened with all the aspects- be it theoretical or practical with absolute precision. Every activity prepares us for tomorrow and gives us the autonomy to build our future. It teaches the biggest learnings of all times i.e. time management and lateral thinking. The mantra preached at this b-school has been blatantly made clear in the past years, to make students think and be at the top of the growing trends and takes every finest step to deliver without fail.    

Summer Internship Process at ICFAI Business School

“Let the beautiful laws prevail. Let us not weary ourselves by resisting them”- Henry David Thoreau. IBS has always encouraged its students not to restrict themselves but open up to new experiences to learn and grow. Aside from Case Based Learning, Guest lectures, Seminars, and extra-curricular activities, the Summer Internship Program (SIP) forms a critical component of education at IBS.

IBS attempts to bridge the gap in the student’s perception between theory in books and practice in the corporate world. The college offers 14 weeks of internship that all students go through, which takes place; after the end of the 2nd semester. The 14th week of training is unique in itself as most other B-School provide internships of around eight weeks only. So, by extending more weeks of corporate training, the college is helping its students towards better insight into their corporate life, which can assist them in the future. 

IBS offers multiple options in the Summer Internship Process like the students can do their training on their campus, can do their SIP at other campuses of IBS, or can avail themselves for other cities too where there are no IBS campuses, students can also opt for international for their internship and all in this IBS supports their students in every situation so that the students can enjoy the full experiences with giving their best during the long 14 weeks internship.

So, the process of Summer Internship generally starts with companies coming in around October- November, so the same students need to apply for the respective company with their resume along with the personal and company name if they have interest in that particular profile. Subsequently, your resume will get shortlisted (mandatory), and following this company will call for the next round. Each company has its selection process some; will prefer Group Discussion and preceding Personal Interviews; some prefer taking a direct Interview. But most companies prefer the traditional routes of having Group discussions & Personal Interviews. So, if the student clears all the; then only he would be selected for that particular company, and; they must have to choose that company only, the students will not be allowed to sit for other companies. The first company where the student is selected then; they have to take that company only; you cannot change or step back from that company. 

Before SIP starts, students get a college guide who will supervise them through college norms with the aid of the company executives. The Faculty Guide would be involved at all stages of the SIP, beginning from ‘definition of the work content’ to SIP completion, so to get better insights with the faculty; the students need to tell systematic everything to the faculty guide. Apart from a college mentor, students will also get a company guide who will monitor them and check; their performance and will give feedback to the faculty guide in a well-planned manner.

Generally, once a week, the faculty Guide will have a webinar with all the students who are; under the guidance, and apart from the group webinar, one-one interaction also takes place with each student. In these Webinars, students can also interact with other Faculty Members of the Campus as Senior Faculty members to come; and participate in these Webinars along with the Faculty Guide assigned to the student.

As mentioned above, there will be an evaluation from the Faculty Guide & Company Guide for better optimization. IBS usually follows four stages of evaluation criteria during the Summer Internship Process. These are; Stage 1- SIP Proposals; which include the things which the students will do during their training and this holds 10 marks, Stage 2- SIP Interim Evaluation which carries 20 marks, it is an updated version of SIP Proposals but in detail about objectives and action plans, Stage 3- SIP Specific Evaluation; it has a grasp of 30 marks in this precise evaluation of student’s learning outcomes and experiences take place and the last Stage 4- SIP Final Evaluation; in this, the students have to prepare a report in which they have to mention all the things that that they have done in those 14 weeks, after that they have to give a presentation through which they evaluate and its hold 40 marks out of 100 marks and this evaluation done through SIP Committee. 

IBS offers IBSAF awards for the best Intern who generally gets 10 out of 10 grades in their SIP evaluation and which; are decided by their Faculty Guide or the Panel who are taking their presentation. The prize carries a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- per report and a certificate for the student.

So, to get more comprehension of this 14 weeks internship norms, evaluation, and much more students receive the Summer Internship handbook that includes all the points which students have to keep in mind from the start date when they are applying for the company up to the end day when they have to give the final presentation to the panel. 

Following this, I asked one of the Senior who undergoes this Summer Internship Process this year about the salient points one should take care of during the internship, she started saying that one major thing that from the initial day only you have to be serious in doing your work and you have to update your Faculty Guide and Company guide continuously, as the students will be evaluated daily during their training, so after assessing each and everything; you will get scores from 18 credits, which is generally equivalent to one semester.

The students during SIP serve as an ambassador of IBS. The Institute would always expect students to maintain professional and social imprints of high standards in the organization. She stated that we should come out of our comfort zone during those times, as these 14 weeks will be the last corporate exposure we will get. So, we should make the best out of it by doing other certification courses so that; we can be better furnished; in terms of knowledge and skills. 

The biggest challenge she spoke about can be the biggest challenge for everyone as going into the corporate world and getting exposure to corporate life, the students need to open themselves; as sitting idle in the office, not opening with other employees will not help, and these 14 weeks will not only help you in coming out of your comfort zone but; it will also aid you in communication, interpersonal skills, and networking skills.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Do not settle. As with all matters of the heart; you’ll know when you find it”. This quote by Mr. Steve Jobs summed up the experiences that the students get; when they do work during training that they passionately love and get a grasp of it in a short span, and think that they can make their career in that field but also to those who have; not decided what they want to do; training aid them in learning new things and understanding that where there are good and can make a career in it, by doing the work they get in their respective 14 weeks internship or, we can say corporate training before they joined as an employee as a full time.

The Teaching Pedagogy


BATCH :2022-24

The first and best method of teaching used by all 9 campuses of ICFAI Business School is the technique of the case-study methodology.

What is the case-study methodology? 

It is an in-depth understanding of a combination of real-life context. In simpler words, it is a teaching method that uses decision-making to, put students in the role of those who faced difficult decisions at some point in the past to evaluate and inculcate the skills that can be used in the future to solve problems. It is used extensively in a wide variety of disciplines, mainly in practical knowledge-based situations. The case study methodology helps the students to prepare themselves today for future-oriented circumstances.

ICFAI Business School nurtures students with consistent practice by providing various case studies regularly. This practical approach had been a great strength in terms of teaching since the initial stages and is still continuing to do so. From the initial stage, this approach is being appreciated by all the alumni of ICFAI Business School of all campuses.

The second best method to uplift students is through the events organized by the Institutional Building Activity Cell (IBAC) where corporate leaders from various top companies are invited every week to impart to students with their knowledge and experience. This event also encourages students by rewarding them in the organized Question/Answer rounds.

Third, comes the English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) classes where students are encouraged to actively participate with each other to read, share, and quotient their thoughts and ideas. In these classes writing and listening skills are enhanced from the business point of view. Various activities like mock sessions and group discussions are also organized as a part to provide knowledge about the corporate world.

Next comes the IMPACT classes that are organized by the institute every week itself where the faculties provide all the information regarding placements, personality development, soft skills, and various other fields required for personal grooming. An IMPACT session is also conducted by the Alumni Relation Cell of the institutes wherein the alumni of IBS are invited which provides a platform for students to directly interact with their alumni and to learn with their learnings. These are some of the methods that all 9 campuses of IBS are following and continuing to make a more viable stand in the educational industry with each passing year.

WHY I CHOOSE ICFAI Business School?

How many a times have we heard from the people around us saying that if you don’t get into an IIM or a tier – 1 college, your career will not get The Kick Start? I suppose ample of times, but let’s pause for a moment, ponder and think to ourselves, is it really the truth? The answer is simply is no. Yes, it is true the college you graduate from, plays a vital role in your career, but at the end of those two years it is on you, how you present yourself in the industry. It is in your hands as to how your decisions and efforts eventuate.

Then eventually the mind-boggling question arises, what defines a good MBA college? I’ve encountered this question far too many times in the past one year, so I know what it feels like to make a choice that will decide the rest of our lives. Well, following are some points, that I believe are imperative while choosing a MBA college and why I chose IBS over the other B-schools.

  1. Academic Curriculum: The education system has evolved many folds in the past decade, so I made sure that the academic curriculum followed by the b-school I chose must be abreast to the industry requirements. The curriculum followed by ICFAI Business School matches to the industry. It also provides certification courses, which is an added advantage. This became a plus point while deciding. The required details were available on the college websites and brochures.
  2. Extra-curricular Activities: I know most of us think that we’ve participated in enough activities during our school life and under-graduation and let’s focus on the academic part now. But, let me burst this bubble and inform you that extra-curricular activities are quintessential when it comes to a management-school. These activities are of paramount importance for personality development, personnel management, team working and even more, it enhances networking skills. IBS offers many such activities, through various cells and clubs that organise a variety of events on a weekly basis that keeps the students engaged, moreover it makes learning interesting. Recently on account 75th Independence of our country, various activities like Poster- making, T-shirt painting, umbrella painting, albela bharat (decoration of classes on state themes), sports competition like tug-of war, slow-bike race etc. were organised.
  3. Faculty: The faculty of an institution is its pillar of strength, it’s what binds the students together and guides them through the path of campus to corporate. A supportive faculty member leaves an impact in the minds of the students and enlighten them through thick and thin. The faculty members at IBS are highly qualified and research -oriented. Various teaching pedagogies like role play, extempore etc. are used to make the session more interesting and enhance the classroom participation. Along with, IBS also executes a mentorship program, where each student is personally mentored by a faculty member. It creates a sense of security among students that goes a long way. The students can meet their faculty mentors on one-to-one basis, where they can easily discuss the various challenges that they are facing.
  4. Alumni Base: Taking a glance at the alumni base of college gives a fair idea of the past outcomes. IBS proudly holds an alumni base of more than 62000 alumni. They’re frequently invited on campus to bridge the gap between students and the corporate world. The alumni share their experiences and current insights of the industry through the alumni-buddy program and guest lectures. Their practical insights of the industry help the students in making the right decisions during the journey.
  5. IMPACT Sessions: The full form of IMPACT session is IBS Mentoring, Placement Advisory Counseling and Training session. The IMPACT session is a highlight of the curriculum at IBS. These sessions are mainly focussed on the placements. Various current business, economy and market news are discussed in the session. The students are prepared for group discussions. Also, the students may ask all their doubts related to placements in these sessions. IMPACT sessions are conducted by a team of four members – faculty members from domain areas, soft skills faculty and placement manager. IMPACT sessions provide a complete package to students.
  6. Guest Lectures: Various industry experts and practicing managers are invited to deliver talk on various current topics and the present state of economy. This helps the student to be updated with current affairs and learn outside the boundaries of class room. It is a great platform to get connected with the industry experts and ask questions to them. The various speakers that have delivered a talk in different sessions are –
  7. Case-based Teaching Methodology: As the education system is evolving day after day, merely mugging up the theory will not be enough. Hence, to increase one’s practical knowledge and exposure, IBS has a vast library of case studies, assembled by the army of faculty members. The cases form an integral part of the teaching pedagogy and evaluation parameters.
  8. Summer Internship Program: SIP is one the most important period in a student’s life, especially a fresher, with no prior corporate. SIP can bridge a lot of gaps. While choosing IBS, SIP was one of the highlights of my decision as unlike other institutions, it provides an internship of 14 weeks, which is quite good time for learning exposure in the industry, mainly for a fresher like me.
  9. Placement Preparation: Along with learning, the ultimate aim is placement. The rigorous preparation at IBS, before the placements is worth a mention. The whole process includes mock personal interviews, crash courses etc.
  10. Return on Investment: Of course, last but not the least, the placement packages of the said college must be compared with the investment made. For instance, if a college charges a fee of Rs.10 lakhs for 2 years, and thereon provides an average package of Rs7-8 lakhs, it’s a good deal. So, return is also an important point to consider.

In my opinion, these points are a must to consider while choosing a college, and why I chose IBS for my higher education.

Think smart and choose wisely! All the best!

Shreya Sahni

Class of 2022-24