Dincharya Technologies:

Friends, I think you will all agree that nowadays technology has become part of each and everything we do. Sometimes it becomes mandatory but often it is not, and there comes an opportunity to tap in. We should make an effort to include the required applications in our work to simplify it even if it’s not mandatory and finish it with the extra spark needed. For e.g.: MS Excel is used for calculations of array of data. It can be done by calculators like many retail shops still follow but MS Excel facilitates it. Photos will be photos with unlimited memories attached but if it is served with special effects, it will be like the icing on the cake. To remain ahead of your peers and make a mark for yourself you should start today itself to learn these techniques. I would like to name few of them which can help you in your journey ahead in IBS:

  • Microsoft Office Suit (MS EXCEL, MS-Word, Ms-PowerPoint)
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Google Online Applications (Google docs, Google Survey Maker, Google Spreadsheet etc)

You will come across these on a daily basis so do acquaint yourself with these. These instruments make your work look big and organized. Not only used in professional or study related activities it can help you in your personal life as well. Starting from class participation, becoming famous among your friends as well as peers to impress a boy/girl, it has all the merits attached to it. So why not associate yourself to these merits! I think it is like Vodafone dog that goes with you wherever you go and helps you in every possible way. Let’s start learning from the place we lag and blossom in every endeavor we make because
“Lag is not a lack but to remain complacent is”.

P.S. I request my readers to reply here with other such technologies which are helpful and serve as a friend in need as well as deed.

Contributed by Juhi Sheela ( Class of 2013, IBS Hyderabad)

Networking Online

The word networking has taken on a whole new dimension during the last decade. Previously a person developed a network after prolonged interactions with a set of people. This network consisted of mainly his colleagues, friends and acquaintances. The study of such social networks was a mainstay of ‘Sociology’, ‘Social Psychology’ etc,. Nowadays however social networking has become synonymous with online social activity on social networking platforms like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Myspace and many more.

The process of befriending people through many interactions has radically transformed. It has shifted to a stage where two parties after a single meeting befriend each other on a social networking website and then continue their interactions online. Thanks to such platforms, sharing information between like-minded individuals has become easier than ever before. Distance was a huge barrier for maintaining relationships with people. Pen-pals did exist but the level to which interactions could occur was limited by the postal service and time taken to receive and send messages. All this has now changed with the advent of the internet and specifically the social media networks. This points to a scenario in the near future where every individual will be capable of expanding his/her network to a level which can’t be imagined.

This means that every person will have access to more information about his network and it would be easy to get in touch with someone, required for a specific activity. However we must understand that social media platforms are just a tool to facilitate networking. A person’s network is still defined by the relationship he shares with each member in his network. Consider a situation where in a person ‘X’ contacts two people ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ for help regarding a certain task. The relationship X shares with Y & Z will define the level of help he would receive from them. Though Y & Z are connected to X by his network, Y might consider X as an acquaintance and Z might consider X as a really close friend. This would in turn define the nature of help received from each of them.

To conclude it’s more important to nurture and maintain relationships than single-mindedly increasing one’s network.

“The successful networkers I know, the ones receiving tons of referrals and feeling truly happy about themselves, continually put the other person’s needs ahead of their own.”

-Bob Burg

The business of Deposits

This article was originally published in Postnoon on April 27th, 2012


I, Prof. Nicky, had a tet-e-tet with Laxmiamma three weeks back. I was curious to know if she had taken heed of my advice and started investing. So I strolled out of our lush campus and walked into the nearby GPRS quarters. It is in one of these quarters that Laxmiamma had been hoarding her cash every month since the past 10 years in the hope of collecting enough money to release her pawned jewellery.

Laxmiamma was genuinely happy to see me and did not waste any time before showing me the account opening kit which she had got from her bank. She was the proud owner of a bank account now, which came with an ATM card and a cheque book.

She did not waste any time in offering her famous Irani chai and shooting her questions to me. So while enjoying the chai, I answered her primary question related to the difference between a savings account, a Fixed Deposit and a Recurring Deposit.

A Savings Account is meant for saving money, as the name suggests, from your income. The money deposited can be withdrawn any time and you can deposit money into the account as many times as you want. It is generally like a temporary parking place for the surplus funds that you have. Earlier, the banks used to pay a very small interest on the amount in this account. However, the recent deregulation of savings account interest rates by RBI has resulted in the bank giving as much as 6-7% interest.

Laxmiamma: I have opened my account by putting an initial deposit of `5,000/- Should I put my entire savings in the past 10 years into this account then Prof. Nicky?

Prof. Nicky: You could do that. But, you will earn more if you deposit your savings into a Fixed Deposit. The interest that the Banks offer on this account are usually much higher. Though the catch is that, you are expected to keep your money with the bank for a fixed tenure. The interest rates vary according to the tenure and, currently, may range from 7% to 10%.

Laxmiamma: But what if I have a medical emergency and need the money urgently?

Prof. Nicky: Hmmm… you can withdraw the deposit if you wish to. However, the bank will usually impose a penalty of 0.5% to 1% for doing so. Different banks have different rules regarding it.

Laxmiamma: So I will keep my past savings as a Fixed Deposit with the bank. But can I do a fixed deposit of my monthly future savings too?

Prof. Nicky: Once again, you could do that. But it will be a hassle for you to do it every month. If you have an online banking facility, then it is easy. But since you do not have that facility, you will need to fill up the fixed deposit form every month. Instead, you can do a Recurring Deposit of your monthly savings.

Laxmiamma was awed at all the facilities that the banking system offers. She asked, “How do I do that?”

Prof. Nicky: You can fill up a form similar to the Fixed Deposit form and instruct the bank to take out a fixed amount of money every month from your savings account, and put it into a Recurring Deposit. The bank will do it every month, for as many months as you instruct them to do it in the form. You will not need to remind the bank. You only have to ensure that you have that money in your savings account. For a Recurring Deposit, you need to be reasonably certain about the amount of money that you can save every month. The interest rates are similar to those in the Fixed Deposit.

Laxmiamma: So what you are telling me is that all three, Savings Account, Fixed Deposit and Recurring Deposit are going to be useful to me!

Prof. Nicky: Exactly! Can you please get me another cup of the chai?


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take Stock of Risks

This article was originally published in Postnoon on April 20th, 2012


Srikanth kept mulling over his conversation with Prof. Nicky the entire week. He reached the conclusion that he falls in the category of people who not only have the appetite to take risk, but also have the ability to do so. Equipped with this self realisation, he walked over to Prof. Nicky, who was looking at a piece of paper very carefully.As Srikanth got closer, Prof. Nicky looked up from the piece of paper and gestured to him to look at the graph on the paper.

Prof. Nicky: Hey come on Srikanth. Look at this!

Srikanth: What is this Professor?

Prof. Nicky: Remember that I was telling you that every asset class has its own risk profile?

Srikanth: Yes I remember!

Prof. Nicky: Ah good! So if somebody has the appetite and the ability to take risks, where does he invest his money?

Srikanth: That’s what I came to ask you. I have realised that I fall in that category.

Prof. Nicky: There are various asset classes like real estate, commodities etc. in which such people can invest. However, one of the most popular classes of risky assets is equities. Equities imply owning a share in the assets, liabilities and profits of a company. When a company grows, more money is required for it to expand. The original promoters may not have that money. Hence they approach the public to buy the shares of the company. That’s where the term “investing in shares” comes from!

Thus equities have the benefit of being very liquid, that is, they can be bought and sold easily on the exchanges like the NSE and the BSE. The other aspect of equities which attracts investors to them is the potential to make huge returns. If you look at the graph, you can see that the benchmark NIFTY index has given close to 13.8% returns on an annual, compounded basis over the last ten years. In other words, if you had invested `1000 in the stocks of Nifty in April 2002, you would have `4,645 now. This is a return of 365% over a 10-year period. This is more than what you would earn if you had invested in fixed deposits or other savings schemes like Kisan Vikas Patra or Post Office Saving schemes!

Srikanth: Really? So why do the equities give a higher return?

Prof. Nicky: They give a higher return because they need to compensate the investors for the higher risks associated with equities. It is like demanding a higher salary if your job is more stressful.

Srikanth: Where is the risk? You just now said that an investor can earn as much as 365% over a 10 year period!

Prof. Nicky: Now that is how a lot of people tend to think and that is why they end up losing money. You would make so much money if you invested in April 2002, and if you remained invested till April 2012. But what if you invested in September 2007 and then had to sell around September 2008?

Srikanth: looking more closely at the graph now, gave a gasp, “Oh My God! I would have lost more than 50% of my money in that case”!

Prof. Nicky: Exactly. And that is the risk. You do not know where the market is going to go tomorrow. The share prices depend upon the performance of the company, the economic, political and technological factors, the future prospects of the company and many more! When there are so many uncertain elements in running the company, it is very difficult to know exactly how much return you will get after a given period.

Historically, the equities have performed better than the other risk free investment tools like Government Bonds or saving schemes and Deposits. For those who can take this risk, it might be worth it! So go ahead boy, invest in equities, choose the companies wisely, and keep your fingers crossed!


Hard Work Pays but It Must Be Made Visible Too

As a student of MBA, this is my first blog though I write for our club’s monthly magazine-Focus.

MBA-Master in Business Administration. If Business is plucked out from MBA then also it is quite meaningful or I can say the remaining is the most important ingredient to be in any manager and a leader. You need to administer others.  Here in our college where to learn your MBA program you come across people, who all inspire like you to be a future manager and /or a leader. In their pursuit of their dream which is common to yours, everyone tries to lead others. These so called “Others” are themselves trying hard to lead you. Chaos can prevail if it’s done without using your left brain which works and thinks logically. Then what will be your tactics to tame them (not literally but to emerge as a leader in this jungle fight); if not to work under you then at least to work along with you in your ideas?

Here in IBS, college provides us with an environment consisting of CLUBS which gives you a platform to learn the skills needed to master the above mentioned problem. There can be many answers. If I would conduct a survey in my college where there are more or less 2000 students, I can come up with lots of solutions .These remedies can either be used singly or can be clubbed together to form as tactics to seek modus Vivendi.

Ok, I think for readers’ convenience I should once give you all a glimpse of Clubs in my college which I had witnessed. There are as many as 28 clubs in my college focused towards particular area like Economics& Business, Marketing, Advertising, Entrepreneurship, Sports, Art and culture and Nature etc. Basically these can be divided into formal and informal subject related clubs (Of course none of the clubs can be said as informal if its subject line is informal. But students do say  J ).Clubs in first category organizes formal events, business fights, Lecture guest, and discussions. Other organizes cultural events, Sports events, Cultural competition, Rock music shows, fashion shows and much more.

Every club has its core committee and an executive committee. When first year students join they work as working members after they pass through specific club’s recruitment and selection process. The timeframe of one as a working member till he/she becomes a core member, executive member or  remains left out in the race is very crucial for one’s success in this small blueprint of corporate world. This is the time when you have to showcase your talent in specific areas and more importantly to emerge as a leader among your peers. During this period of your education along with theoretical knowledge one gets acquainted with practicality of it.

In the first blog I’m sharing just one of my learning which is very important in today’s corporate scenario wherein flat hierarchy or companies with very few hierarchies are becoming common. It looks as though organizations with bureaucratic hierarchy too will soon follow the trend due to its advantages. But it has demerits too. A cure for it could be my learning. Therefore I thought to share with you all.


Trust me it’s very important. Person like me born and brought up in a lower middle class family with father as a government employee, values and morals imbibed in me had a tough time to showcase my talent in my endeavor. Your work will be tagged as someone else’s work and you will not know when this hell happened. This was not because I was weak but I couldn’t do Chaplusis (I think you know this. It’s called as Flattery), politics-here politics is not taken in its literal way but the way we Indians take it (in colloquial term) and more importantly to bespeak my views in front of everyone (here I mean seniors because they are the one judging you) and make everyone aware about your contribution if you were keeping track of it and were working on it. So who all believe in “Hard work” or at least in “Smart work” then you should make it visible and take credits for it. You have to judge the right time to take credit or else it may hamper your image as well as your team work which is not at all good. So beware!!

Of course all this is just a simple simulation of a real organization where we all have to land up one day. Only exception is to get self-employed and I think proportion of students is very minimal for such employment. So peers follow your heart to choose a work, a work you love because if you sow hard work in your love, you can reap its benefits. It’s been said correctly-“Work is love made visible”, a work what you love to do will be visible one day or the other. But time is the constraint. As in love you have to show your love or at least give cues like that initially you have to make your work visible voluntarily and then if you love to do that job, it will shine forever.

Contributed by Juhi Sheela ( Class of 2013, IBS Hyderabad)

Summer Internship in Business Schools



Summer Internship is an important and a very crucial element of
management studies because it helps the students to identify what skills and attitude are required to be generated/developed to successfully survive in the corporate world and have a competitive edge over the others.

After the completion of the internship, students have approximately 10-12 months of time to develop on the same and re-enter into the corporate world with a better professional understanding. Business schools on an average have THREE months of time available for internship. Therefore entire THREE months should be utilized for better and clearer understanding. More the time available, better is the learning and outcomes.

Contributed By : Ashish Kabra, Class of 2013, IBS Bangalore

Mba Post Work Experience

It was a tough decision to do an MBA after having over 2 years of work experience. Two things came into my mind, will I be able to study after such a long time and secondly I have to again be dependent on my parents (financially). But being a graduate doesn’t help you to grow especially in such a competitive environment. But I knew that once my MBA gets completed I will grow at a faster pace compared to being a graduate. After a huge round of thoughts and talks, I finally decided to do an MBA.

After clearing the IBSAT exam, I made a decision to get into IBS Bangalore. Lectures started and knowledge was flowing from all the directions (thanks to such a wonderful faculty and colleagues). To my surprise, by using only my work experience and knowledge gained from lecturers I was able to score 8/10 GPA in my first semester. Second Semester looks to have also gone the same way (expecting better results than the earlier). I would like to suggest all those people having work experience not to hesitate in joining a business school. You will definitely get better grades and would also add as an advantage during placements. Moreover, it also gives you a platform to develop yourself (this is the place where mistakes are accepted) and re-enter into the corporate world with a better understanding and attitude. Good luck!!!!!!!

Contributed by Ashish Kabra ( Class of 2013, IBS Bangalore)

For Good Quality Type II

A sieve is a screening (regulatory) device that is used to separate out coarser elements.
Elements of finer quality are admitted and pass through its apertures…

What happens to fine quality elements when stringent regulatory procedures make the holes ever smaller?

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“The Customer is always right”

The Market is a sole worshiper of the (GOD) Customer. The trend, demand, supply, depletion, profitability of a company or the sway of the market completely depends or is solely shouldered by a customer’s mindset.

Therefore from launching of a minute pin to the recent launch of Agni-V everything is test run to forecast the future of the item.If it earns applauses it is introduced or else gets vanished.

Hence Customerization is taken up by companies as a marketing tool to retain the customers in a competitive market.

“Designing a product according to the customers’/individual’s requirement” is called customerization. Though the whole concept needs a lot of sweat but the only boost for this is customer’s satisfaction. “Idea is yours but product is from customers end”.

This concept or strategy of customerization can even be found in the fruit juice seller’s counter where he allows his customer to have the combination of his own choice, example: X-needs Apple +Orange whereas Y-needs Pineapple +Grapes…

By this above strategy the company has got a boost in their sales. It is an effective tool to measure the customer’s preference and value. No need to know the personal information of the customer just good feature of your product + good website would raise you to the ladder of success.

Remember: “The secret of success is consistency of purpose.” –Benjamin Disraeli

Contributed by Trishagni Sen ( Class of 2014, IBS Hyderabad)

Staying Visible at Work – Earning Recognition

I was reading a book recently on ‘effective customer care’ and while browsing through a chapter on ‘creating the environment for customer care to flourish’; I came across some leadership traits the author speaks of. The first on the list was ‘visibility and openness’.

It’s imperative to be a visible manager; showing up on the floor frequently to let people know of your presence – not that you have to catch them doing the wrong stuff but ensuring that you see and hear what is being said and done! It is a leadership trait.

There are many however, who use visibility as a tool, assuming it will fetch them recognition. A very short sighted approach, I would say! When it comes to recognition, performance is a higher value than visibility. The recognition your performance earns for you is far greater in impact and reach than any other strategy that people may suggest you.

What is the need but of recognition at work? Recognition is an important motivator for all of us and not just the manager or our boss. To some it is more important than the money. People require appreciation for their work, on a daily basis. Dr. Eric Berne, who gave the concept of transactional analysis, called it as positive stroke/s. He said that in the absence of strokes (appreciation / recognition) the spinal cord would shrivel up!

We can talk of strategies to make you more visible but visibility without performance wouldn’t boost the morale of any or impress many! Performance speaks for most of us; people who over perform and known by all not only within the organization but the whole industry.

Taking a stroll down the aisle in the office and interacting with employees from other teams is not the strategy to earn recognition. You may actually end up annoying few than winning any friends. The real key as discussed already is performance. You name any respected name from any Industry and you will find out there is more to their success and recognition than those occasional strolls down the aisle!

Of course there are people who work in the back end and not many of them earn success and recognition to the extent someone working or staying in continual public limelight would. But there is always an answer to every question. There are strategies to ensure that after doing good home work; you get your due share of acknowledgment. Our next article on strategies to earn recognition at workplace carries detailed discussion.