IBS – Pioneers in Technology-enhanced Learning.

All walks of Life is invaded by the technology.  Incredible technological revolution has taken place in the last two decades, be it a mobile phone or internet.  People have become so dependent on the gadgets that they feel insecure without them irrespective of their age or status.  When the technology is ubiquitous, why not the ancient face-to-face teaching on black board be replaced with interactive learning technologies, as the present generation are more tech-savy and participatory.

Any subject whether it is science, history, geography or mathematical problem can be taught with the use of technological tools by narrating them in a story with audio-visual, graphics, pictures and text etc.  Technology-enabled teaching has been transformed through different stages. Initially, it was through the use of overhead projector, transparency sheets for presenting graphs, text, photographs etc.  Then, the magentic tapes and video clippings were used to make students to actually see and understand the concepts.

It is mind boggling that a plethora  of technological tools are available for teaching today such as emails, online chats, twitter, facebook, social forums, blogs, search engines, video conferencing etc.  Faculty can communicate with the student using all these tools, to clear their doubts, monitor their performance, assignments, quizzes, sending reminders, form groups of students for discussions. The Learning Management Systems enabled academic institutions to integrate various learning modalities for making learning personalized and participatory.

IBS Learning Management System

IBS takes pride in being the pioneers among the B-Schools in implementing technology-enhanced learning.  IBS has customized Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), an open source Learning Management System (LMS).

Quicforce, the IBS Learning Management System (LMS) is a key differentiator among the B-Schools in India. It facilitates faculty to build a dynamic learning environment and online social learning communities through blended learning approach. Blended learning (thoughtful integrating of technology with face-to-face learning) approach to teaching-learning enhances student’s learning experience and improves their learning outcome.

IBS LMS: promotes blended teaching-learning process; serves as an integrated platform for content management and delivery, interaction, communication, assessment, grading and reporting;  provides an extended and enhanced learning experience to students through the iBooks (interactive courseware) and learning resources and activities created by the faculty; engages students in constructive, collaborative and social learning process; creates a master learning resources pool contributed by faculty members.

Faculty share teaching material, lesson presentations, video clippings and audio clippings of the concepts to provide enhanced, extended and flexible learning (anytime and anywhere learning) opportunity to students.  Quicforce facilitates formative and summative assessment, grading and feedback. IBS faculties assess student’s performance through online quizzes, participation in discussion forums and individual or group assignments. Group assignments and projects arouse curiosity in the students to explore and experience social learning.

Quicforce (http://quicforce.ibsindia.org/) at IBS breaks the monotony and attracts the students focus, foster inquiry and create interest, thereby, stimulating retention.  Sessions become more interactive, collaborative and students move from passive reception to active and participatory learning.

Contributed By : Dr. Venkat (PGPM Program Head, IBS Business School)

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