If at any point in time the question “NOW WHAT?” hits, that’s the point where a pause is needed to take a breath and THINK and THINK until you get the best answer to your question.
Manvi, is a student with a medical background.
After four years of rigorous hard work in the medical stream, the future still seemed blurred to her, bestowing confusing questions. Later after self-acknowledgment, she realized that medical is very practical and a lot of hard work and dedication is required in this stream, which she is capable of but not so passionate about from a professional sight. She always believed in that no path is easy to gain success but with passion, discipline, and dedication, you can achieve great heights.
Thorough learnings and rigorous hard work are the two main components based on which she analyzed that one career path for which she is equally passionate and dedicated. For her professional growth, the managerial ladder is the path she chose, and decided to change her career path and opted for MBA for her post-graduation.
The Right Place?
After deciding her path, now the biggest question in front of her was “Which College?”. She researched, talked to people, and discovered about ICFAI Business School and its chain of 9 campuses. The IBS Gurgaon became the best choice for her.
With more than 62000+ alumni base, IBS Gurgaon has achieved excellence in the last 25 years of its journey. Since the start of its journey, IBS Gurgaon had a remarkable multifarious environment in all terms. With a tremendous diversity, be it in terms of students or courses provided, IBS has never failed to provide any chance to students who are capable enough of being the best version of themselves.
I believe that being provided with equal opportunity, gives students great confidence to grow in whichever field they want to move into.
IBS has fruitful cultural togetherness from all over the country and has never failed to acknowledge the importance of the fresher students who constitute around 79% of its composition and students with work experience who constitute around 21%. Students from different regions choose IBS because of the amicable environment it provides to enhance oneself. The students from diverse backgrounds like engineering, medical and humanities.
Diversity- Not just in education but in extra dimensions as well

Diversity in education is not just about students from different regions of the country but also includes diversity adding to the equality of students present there. It’s a proud moment to note how greatly ICFAI Business School has balanced out the multifarious environment.
IBS has always tried to give equal opportunities to girls as well as boys. It has never differentiated students based on any grounds. Rather has always provided a platform to those capable enough to be there on that stage.
With an equal ratio of students, IBS has focused on nurturing the students.
A diverse number of companies that visit IBS Gurgaon for placements have the greatest stand among the all.
At IBS Gurgaon, from Start-ups to Big-4, various companies visit the campus at the time of placement for recruitment. And a great student base is being recruited by these companies every year from the campus according to their requirements.
Not just placements, but with great diversity IBS Gurgaon invites a lot of companies starting from Start-ups to well-established companies for SIP (Summer Internship Program) as well.
Various guest lectures are also conducted for guiding the students with immense knowledge about the corporate world before officially entering into it.

How IBS is so capable in the corporate building in such a diverse culture? The answer to the question lies again in diversity. Students are given various platforms through various cells and clubs to groom their personalities.
Personality Development
All MBA institutes prepare their students with strong personalities so that they can create a strong base for themselves in the corporate world. But with strong personality development, IBS believes in creating a magnificent future self in a student’s mind by brushing up the student from the first day he/she steps into the IBS campus.
With a strong faculty base, IBS ensures proper mentoring of its students so that they don’t lack anywhere around.
Accent building
Students with different accents are not an issue but a thing to be concerned about. At IBS, students are provided with proper soft skills training to improvise themselves accordingly for the corporate world.
Understanding the student’s perspective
With a great supportive team of faculty members, ICFAI Business School has always given its best shot in inculcating the required skill set in a student. Building a strong mindset is way more important than getting indulged in any theoretical practices.
Student’s strengths and weaknesses
Coming from a specific background, restricts a student’s thinking in a particular way. MBA provides an opportunity of widening their thoughts and helps in adapting the flexibility the course provides one with, which IBS has always won over on.
Coming back to Manvi’s story……….
After knowing all the components that IBS Gurgaon is capable of inbuilding into its students. With a calm mind, Manvi decided to take a step closer to IBS Gurgaon. And what next, after clearing the IBSAT exam she’s now a happy-satisfied student of the IBS family.
Thus, after staying here in an excellent environment, every IBS student steps out as a ready-to-go corporate human being.
Ishita Jain
Batch 2022-2024