This day. This age.
We’re together, yet we’re separate.
Always in search of ‘Likes’, so elusive
Amidst inane requests to ‘Share’
The trend hunters scout, and spot the infant fads
To be noticed and lauded for another week, day, or hour at the max
Creativity spawns more content, while the network displaces the distant
This day. This Age.
The cloak of anonymity, suddenly so treasured
As the permanence of data starts to surface.
Oblivious, we carry on, scrolling through what we’ve been fed.
Entertain us! Mesmerize us!
And we shall protest, because we can.
Let us revolt! Till we find another reason to stand
Our agitation is momentary, whereas our frustration seems perennial
We scorn upon censorship, and report abuse on anything objectionable
Let us comment! Let us debate!
Clicks and keystrokes define our day, a bleak existence did you say?