See if you are doing it for one of these reasons.
1.To Fast Track Your Growth.
A good MBA program gets you ready for the corporate world. With an MBA, it is likely that you will start 3-5 years ahead in terms of role and responsibility as compared to a graduate without any professional qualification.
2.To Earn Money.
Making good money is one of the reasons that people pursue an MBA. It is a fair reason. A good MBA institution assists you in getting a job with an established company and good salary.
3.For Better Career Prospects.
If you want to lead a company, MBA is a good bet. All other things being equal, a company will choose someone with an MBA to lead.
4.To Build a Network.
Ask a person with some degree of success in life – about keys to success. This person will most likely tell you that – hard work, perseverance and right connections – are required for success.
Who you know, matters a lot. At a good MBA college – you meet a large group of students from diverse background. Many of these students will become CEOs, famous entrepreneurs, and established leaders. When you need the right connections – they will be there to help you – like you will be there for them.
Then there are alumni of that college – the students who have passed before you. These alumni automatically become part of your extended network.
5.To Acquire Knowledge.
Knowledge is power. At work, it helps if you know more. MBA is a mental and physical boot camp where you learn to acquire, process and retain knowledge. You not only acquire knowledge but also get different perspectives, and learn new skills that help you move forward.
6.To Understand the Business World and Get Ready Before You Get an Actual Job.
Summer internship program (SIP) is an integral part of management education. SIP prepares you to take up the challenges of the real world in future.
7.To Grow with Better Communication and Interpersonal Skills.
Making presentations on different topics is an important part of a well rounded MBA program.
This helps in improving communication and interpersonal skills (because you work with a group of students).
These skills help you make a good impression in meetings and win over people. Effective communication also helps in developing and maintaining relationships that helps you grow in life and at work.
Now you know the right reasons to do an MBA. Do you want to pursue MBA for one of the reasons shared above or you have another reason of your own?
Contributed By : IBS India